Chapter 32

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Tenley's POV

"Anything?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time, I was losing my patience at this point. I needed to know where he is, how he is doing. He didn't seem fine when he left.

"Tenley, I told you. I can't find him if his phone is off. I am not that great with spying" I didn't like her answer, it's been days and I am losing my mind. I need to see him, to know where he is and how he is doing. All of this is messy and fucked up

"Fuck" I cursed pushing the chair a bit, where can I search for him. I have searched Revensbull but didn't find him there, he wasn't at the club or his house or his apartment here in Livensberg and I know he is not fine. I can feel it deep down that he is not okay, something might have happened. When he left he looked angry though I feel like it was more than that "This is all mom's fault"

"How, she is the victim in all of this" Pais defended

"You don't leave your son for seventeen years" I accused "The only thing he had was the memory of his father and she ruined that too" She dared to ruin his father's image right after he found out that she was still alive, I haven't talked to mom about it because I am mad at her.

"You're just angry he is your brother" She didn't have to remind me of that curse. Why of all mothers did mine have to be his, why couldn't it have been some other woman, either dead or something I don't care.

"I need some air" I couldn't handle this, he is my brother and I can't even find him anywhere. It's like he vanished yet I need to see him and calm myself down if I know that he is fine, maybe see his face even if it's for only a second.

"Sweetie, Tenley" I sighed stopping turning to mom with an angry face "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this-"

"Shouldn't you be apologizing to him" I don't need apologies, she hurt Calvin more than she did me.

"I want to but I don't know where I can find him, he-"

"Will you talk to him if I find him" I remember her telling me to call the cops on her son, I still have so many questions though I feel like they should be answered with Calvin, he needs answers more than I do.

"If you do, invite him here for dinner or something" She got close to me holding my arms giving me that pained look "I made mistakes in the past and I want to fix them, we need to be a family now more than ever" I licked my teeth in anger 'family' I don't know if I will get used to that. I gave a single nod before getting outside taking in deep breathes.

I got in the car and started driving again, searching for him. I can't settle if I don't know where he is, how he is doing, I just "Fuck" why did this have to happen when we had just become happy. The happiness was only short-lived, just seconds, and boom 'we are brothers' I don't even know if I can see him as my brother because he is not and I don't want to see him as one yet ever since I found out I can't help but feel guilty every time I think of him more than a brother.

It hurt so bad when he called me his little brother that day, I felt like my world was collapsing because I know he is not my brother. I ended up driving back in Revensbull checking his bar again that is done being fixed though not reopened yet, I didn't have the keys to go inside but I tried to see if he was in there as much as I could even if it was helpless "Where are you, Calvin?" I asked no one in particular.

"Please be okay" I prayed while getting back in my car driving the streets of Revensbull searching for him as if he was a tiny bug that could be hiding anywhere. Looking everywhere, I didn't know what habit he had when sad. I checked all bars which ended in nothing until I saw the road that led into the beat downtown 'He said it was his home?' Maybe...Nah but what if?

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