Chapter 7

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Tenley's POV

The moment I entered the bathroom I searched around to make sure there was no camera. I am in his territory I can never be so sure but he would be one hell of a creep if he puts one in his bathroom. I wiped my eyes and congratulated myself on that one. It was well played, I played that very well. I picked out his phone and took out the battery then put my bug device before putting the battery back and turning his phone on again.

I pulled out my phone texting Pais to ask if they can get into Oz's phone. We need to track every step he makes but mostly the phone calls he makes and to whom, as I waited for her reply I looked at myself in the mirror, I had puffy eyes and red skin, probably that turned him on as he loves red skin. My heart thumped just from that, I felt like my heart was losing its beat, that guy confuses me so much and I was glad I came up with this plan, I know I won't be able to get any information from him so I decided to tap his phone because when I am with him he leads the conversation and I am just either a stuttering or a blushing mess yet we need Dash and Mekhi.

I can't fail

Pais texted me back soon saying she had tapped into the phone now, I knew that my first mission was done and all I had to do was go through this day without losing my body to him, something I find so hard to do, it was even hard to lie to him, I don't know why I felt bad yet I shouldn't feel bad because this was the game. He is playing me too, I shouldn't feel bad for this, I don't even know if it was for the fact that he told me to not lie to him. Holding information is another thing, looking him in the eye and lie is something entirely different and it's hard

I took in a deep breath before opening the door holding the phone behind my back and as soon as I got back into the living, he had taken away our plates and he was back on the couch, his eyes were on me again 'How am I going to put his phone back without him realizing that I took it in the first place' "Come here" just his voice made me shiver that I almost dropped the phone, I got closer sitting beside him but he patted his lap. Why? Why?

My face got red as I rest his phone on the couch then climbed his lap, a place I find myself seated most of the time and I don't hate it because it's comfortable plus I shouldn't do anything suspicious "I am here because I am into you, I wouldn't be if I wasn't" and good thing I knew he was lying even if he looked like he wasn't lying, this bitch is a very good player "We should just take it slow" I don't object on that.

"Yes, daddy" And the name never fails to make me hard. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he smells wonderful. It felt nice being like this with him, his phone rung ruining the moment, or should I say saving me from the moment I was creating. I took had my head off his shoulder as he stretched picking it off the couch answering it as he put it on his ear not looking suspicious at all.

"Okay, yeah.....give me a second" it was forwarded to me and I got off his lap as he made his way far from me and I guess his bedroom. I didn't have any reason to snoop on his phone call as we have already tapped into it. Instead, I texted Pais asking her if she was getting what Oz was talking about and to whom

*He is buying a gun, a riffle model, it's neither Mekhi nor Dash* her text came just as Oz came back in the room. I had to put my phone away feeling like I wanted to curse at myself. We have to wait for him to communicate with Mekhi so that we can track him down, I don't care about the rest of his business but I would like to know why he is buying a riffle, I hope it's not for me or my dad.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked

"Yeah, thanks" I said shyly and he sat on the table right in front of me. He likes doing that, I feel like it's a sign to make me feel small.

"Good but I think we are going to have to stop for today" his hand pushed my hair back and I looked into his piercing steel-blue eyes that showed care. He held my chin and pulled me closer, his lips moved close to mine and I parted mine waiting impatiently. I have wanted to know how they would taste on mine

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