Chapter 37

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Oz's POV

Just hearing that Grizzly is awake switched all the switches in my head. I had thought that my thirst for revenge had been wiped out but now I know it hadn't been, I know it was still there but was at bay because Grizzly was on that bed unconscious and I know a part of me strived off of it but now that he is awake, his eyes open just made all the anger come out.

It didn't matter if he was the savior, no, in my head he was the villain and all I wanted to do was end him even if it was the last thing that I will ever do. All the thinking in my head vanished when I spotted him on that bed awake, Tenley's tears of joy didn't stop my anger, all I could see was red that I pushed him out of the way and pointed my gun on Grizzly's head.

Tenley's cries for me to stop just passed over my head as I clicked off the safety "Goodnight Grizzly" And with no hesitation whatsoever I pulled the trigger only for my hand to be pushed up and the bullet landed right into the wall "What the-" Mekhi had pushed my hands up "The fuck, let go" I ordered trying to get out of his grip, I needed to finish that man off no matter what "Mekhi-"

"You will regret it" He warned, look who is talking now.

"You didn't" I replied

"And I don't" See, then we are on the same page here. He should just let go and let me end this man once and for all "But mine didn't care either, yours does" He pointed at Tenley and when I moved my eyes towards him he was looking at me with wide scared eyes. I immediately averted my eyes back to Mekhi who finally let go of my hands and stepped aside "It's still your choice"

I have waited for this for so damn long and I am not going to let it go through my hands just like that. I lifted my gun back up ready to shoot this bastard "Kill him" Dash encouraged "It's either him or us go ahead Oz"

"Calvin look at me" Tenley called softly and I did turn to him but kept my gun pointed to Grizzly "Don't do this"

"I'm going to do it-"

"If you love me don't do this" He stood up and made his way towards me "You said your love for me stopped you from killing him, let it stop you now"

"In case you don't remember" I held the gun tighter "That was before I found out we are brothers, right now nothing is stopping me from killing him"


"Wait, let us back up a bit" Dash cut Tenley off "Brothers?" I didn't want to listen to that idiot "Mekhi you heard that right?" Dash asked when no one replied to his stupid question.

"Will you ever shut up you fucker" Tenley snapped "In your head do you feel like this is the right time to talk about that crap"

"Whoa kid, your daddy is going to kill your dad. I think I need to know if he is your brother or not like how fucked up can that be" What? I turned to Dash and raised my gun to his head.

"What did you say?" I asked holding the trigger, did he feel like that was the right moment to say crap like that. Did this look like the moment to make that stupid joke.

"Calm down" He smiled his hands up in surrender as if this was funny "I just asked a question"

"Calvin" This time Mom called standing between us "Put the gun down, I think that is enough of you guys trying to kill each other in one day"

"I think you should listen to her" Dash said as Mekhi sighed getting over to Dash whispering something into his ear "Nah, it's not my fault that my curiosity is eating at me. Are they brothers or not if I get the answer then I will shut up"

"It's none of your business," Mekhi said

"You mean to say you're not curious" Dash questioned giving Mekhi a look of disbelief.

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