Chapter 10

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Oz's POV

I love it when I don't know where something is going and you have to brainstorm, that is the reason I didn't give him a script. I just wanted this to come naturally and see where it's going, that is always the best part. When you don't know where something is going, when you don't know what the other is gonna say but still role with it, it's called improvising and in role-play, it's the hottest thing to me. Thinking like that character so naturally is hot and sexy and right now I find his character fuckable.

The way he has just improvised made me almost break character but I kept it together and waited for him to continue on his argument coz oh, I can't wait to see where this is going. He can make men pregnant, who wouldn't be impressed by that "See back when I was still young, around fifteen. I had an uncle who was gay and he always wanted to carry a child of his own but couldn't. Sadly he passed away without archiving that goal but ever since that day I have been obsessed with helping others like him to get a life of their dream" I gave a single nod as he swallowed "That is why I created...I mean, for now, I call it Romy, my uncle's name but I can change it as soon as it gets on the market if you fund me that is"

"How does it work?" The name was unnecessary for now

"It helps form the ovaries and with the ovaries formed inside a male body, this can help start the process of the pregnancy and yes with strong supervision. As the pill might take a few days to kick has some side effects to it however the results are impeccable. The ovaries are one ninety-eight percent confirmed to produce estrogen and progesterone into the male body" he seemed more confident now than ever, he sounded like Dr. Drew "this might take a few months for the ovaries to form of course since we are changing the male body on the inside"

"So after the ovaries are formed, what next. Remember he doesn't have a uterus"

"That is the best part" he walked back and picked up chalk, I had to get up and instead sat on the table taking in how he drew the male structure "See this, as the pill gets in. It doesn't only create the ovaries, everything changes, as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, the womb will form, he will be able to carry his child for eight to nine months though with a lot of supervision"

"What guarantee is there that we won't lose a life with the changes in the organs plus the weight of the child-"

"Sorry to cut you off but I have done so many tests and this only refers to age, weight, and the way a person has reacted to the changes. If the pill sets in, a person of the age thirty and above might need two years for everything to set in and become stable whereas a person of age twenty-five it will take only six months but if a male takes it before the age of fifteen then they have enough time to make everything strong and set in place before they can think of having a child which means a person who takes it and plans on getting pregnant in less than two years or less are more likely to have a complicated pregnancy or a hard time to get pregnant"

"An early dosage equals a complication-free pregnancy" he sounded confident enough to make me believe this.

"It would still differ to the person and how they reacted but yes"

"Any other side effects"

"Those are not severe and as the pill, they vary to a person. There could be some hot flashes, headache and some bloating since the organs are shifting"

"How does it work after giving birth, any side effects then"

"You react just like any other woman who is from giving birth, that can be handled if there were no complications during birth"

"You can have all the babies you want after that"

"Yes sir but it still varies on how the first pregnancy proceeded and if everything is perfectly fine then you can go ahead and get pregnant....again" he threw the chalk down then walked back to me his hands inside his gown "This can help a lot of people in the world, Mr. Storm, this can open up so many possibilities and for your company being behind such a revelation it will make you look great"

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