Chapter 43

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Oz's POV

My phone rang as we reached the chapel where we are set to get married today. Not a step I thought I would be taking any day now but not one I regret. After uncovering my deepest pains that brought me where I am I felt free, like the burden got off my chest, and right now all that is left is to start afresh with Tenley.

I don't have that many plans at the moment but I am willing to just dive into this because I regret nothing from last night "Give me a second" Tenley said while getting out of the car as I pulled out my phone and see who might be calling me on my wedding day.

"I will be in real quick kay" I informed, he nodded with a smile as I put the phone on my ear while turning off the car  "Hello"

"You took your time" Dash, my frown grew on my face because he isn't someone I ever talk to and I would like it to stay like that "Mekhi has been helping you with something, what was it?"

"Finding my mother"

"Ah, I see" What does he see? Is that all he wanted to talk about?

"Do you need anything else?" I was already tired of him being on my phone.

"His ass got kidnapped" He sounded calm so I guess I should stay calm, my eyebrow raised as I leaned my hand onto the steering wheel.

"Are you sure?" I had to make sure coz there is no way you stay that calm when your boyfriend has been kidnapped.

"If by that you mean proof no, but I am sure and- what the fuck"

"What?" They might piss me off but Mekhi is a good guy and I don't hate him.

"Oh he is dead, I am going to fuckin kill him"

"If he is kidnapped then I think they will do the job"

"No one kills my man, I get to do the job and if get him he is dead" I sighed not knowing what he is going on with since because for obvious reasons he won't "If you see Paisley tell her she is dead"

"Why?" Why would he want to kill Tenley's sister?

"She is fuckin flirting with my man, oh my God listen to this 'I can fuck better than Dash, I just have to buy the right tools' can you imagine this bitch" I had to stifle a laugh but it still slipped out.

"What did Mekhi say?"

"We will see, can you imagine he said we will see" I could hear him fuming right now, he was not finding this funny at all and I hope Mekhi stays where he is right now or his ass is dead. My eyes caught Tenley getting out of the chapel and I got out of the car knowing it was probably time for our wedding. I have never dreamed of a big wedding before so this isn't much of a disappointment because all that matters is him being with him.

"I think you should first figure out where he is then try to kill him" I advised wanting to hang up right away because it was time for me to start a new chapter and I will be dealing with Mekhi's situation later "I need to go but if you need anything call me"

"Tell Paisley to hide-" I cut off the phone not listening to more of his threats. I wasn't in the mood, today was reserved for my wedding and I am already dressed in a button-down dress shirt with slacks, Tenley had on dress pants with a t-shirt looking wonderful as ever.

"You took your time," He said with a tiny smile as he tried to play fake annoyed by my tardiness.

"Good things take time" I teased and he bite down on his lower lip fighting a smile with a roll of his eye, I narrowed my eyes even if I didn't find it as annoying as I used to "Is everything done?"

"Yes, we were waiting for the good things to come to their wedding" I chuckled pulling him into me and pecking his hand that held my engagement ring.

"The good things were already here" He smiled with a tint of red on his face as he tried to hide it by hiding his face in my chest "Let's go in" I took his hand and we made our way inside the empty chapel. We didn't need any witnesses and I didn't mind when Tenley said he wanted to hide this from his mom and Paisley until he feels ready.

All that mattered was our hearts being tied together and the beginning of our lives even if we didn't have any witnesses "We should begin" Tenley announced after we both stood in front of the priest who started narrating the Bible, no even three seconds has passed when my phone rung again ruining the quiet moment. I pulled it out ready to silence it when I saw it was Dash again.

"A second" I know he is annoying but he has some serious trouble to deal with and I am willing to help if he needs it.

"No" Tenley pulled the phone off my ear turning it off "No more phone calls," He said sternly while hiding it into his pants "Let the priest continue" I knew he was right I will talk to Dash later when we are done here. The priest went on and soon we were saying our vows, short and precise until we slid on our wedding bands then were pronounced husband and husband.

I smiled holding both sides of Tenley's face stealing my first kiss with him as my husband "I can't wait to have you" I whispered, I planned an entire day for us to consummate our marriage and I was going to be into him all evening.

"You have to sign here," The priest said getting our attention. Tenley was the first to sign the marriage certificate and I followed before holding his hand into mine getting him out of the chapel doing my best to not jump him right now.

We ran into the car and as soon as I got into the driver's seat he was all over me kissing my neck with his hands traveling down my already hardening member "Let's go to my house" he breathed out kissing the back of my neck hungrily.

"No, mine will be better" I protested, his mom might be there, and if there was something I didn't want it to ruin my day by seeing her face. I didn't want to bump into anyone so they could ruin what is supposed to be the happiest day of my life or stop me from being inside him all day.

"Let's go to mine, please" I didn't know why he was set on going to his

"Just today but we will be moving out soon" I agreed because I didn't want to deny him this, if it's what he wanted then we will go but I will make sure to get him out of that house so we can move into mine or better leave the city and go somewhere no one knows us to start our lives together.

A quiet life might be what I need

As soon as I parked he bolted out "Hey wait for me" I yelled with a light chuckle while turning off the car my eyes following his ass that I was going to have today. I got out looking into the sky thinking whoever is up there did a great job creating that human because they created one hell of a boy and I had him all to me. I didn't waste time, I strutted inside but before I even made it past the door I froze.

The car keys in my hands slipped out so did all the air in my lungs. I couldn't believe what I was looking at, I couldn't believe who I was looking at, the person in front of me wasn't the person I was expecting to ever see alive


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