Chapter 25

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Oz's POV

The ringing of my phone got me out of my dreamless slumber. I put my hand up searching for it and when I caught it, I immediately rested it on my ear without getting my head out of the pillows "Mr. Storm"

"Yes, who is this?" I flipped onto my back rubbing my eye feeling my head pound though I have no regrets.

"This is chief Weston of Revensbull police" I hummed "I wanted to ask you to come down to the police station and sign some papers"

"Papers? What papers?" I sat up with a deep breath

"We are allowing you to renovate your club" I made a 'huh' sound when a cup of coffee represented itself in front of me. I took it with a thank you when I remembered I was not alone in the house, my eyes immediately caught Tenley and all the anger came back to me. I frowned resting the cup back down, no matter how much I need it I don't trust him. God knows if he wants to blast my stomach at this moment "The case was solved Mr. Storm, everything was taken care of and we just need your signature to allow insurance to pay for your damages"

"Okay, at what time should I be there"

"Anytime that works for you" I thanked him then hang up holding my head, the smell of coffee was so inviting and invading my senses but I am not touching a cup that came from his hands.

"Uh..." two pills were presented to me with a glass of water. I frowned not touching them as I rolled off the bed getting into the bathroom without saying a word "I preheat the water for you" he yelled from behind me but I slammed the door close to show him how uninterested I am. I moved to the sink and found my toothbrush set with toothpaste.

It looked like it was smiling, I scoffed but took it and brushed my teeth not minding his childlike behaviors. After getting into the shower and indeed the water was already warm, I stayed in until the water turned cold then moved out to find my towel rack empty.  I opened the door and found Tenley holding a towel out for me "Need this" he questioned biting his lower lip.

I motioned with my hand for him to hand it over but he refused "Not until you forgive me"

"Tenley, I am not in the mood for this kind of game," I said slowly trying to take the towel though he stepped back. I bit the inside of my cheek trying so hard to not snap because I am so not in the mood. I decided to be the bigger person... Well the bigger confident person as I didn't hold my junk while walking to my drawers where I keep my towels to find it empty "Tenley" I warned, for real this is hella annoying...and childish

"Come get it" I stepped closer but then he stepped back, the more steps I took the more he took back until it became a chase that I was not willing to participate in at all so I stood with my hands over my chest and glared at him trying to not curse out. He waved it in the air on the other side of the bed "Are you getting old daddy, you can't even run now" he mocked with a wide smile.

I bit the inside of my cheek now anger building up and I jumped over the bed to catch him however he ducked and instead moved to the other side, at this point, I am getting dry from this bullshit and I know I should just get my boxers and not play this kid's game, I'm old for this crap. Running around with my junk out slapping against my thighs is a child's game and I hate it "Should we get you a stick, you can't even run" he was breathing heavily his smile not once wavering, what is so funny with this

"When I catch you, Tenley, you're getting punished" I warned holding my waist, I am on full display and it's not how I work.

"Then catch me daddy" he challenged once again, I looked at him and when I get my hands on him I will not be done with him. He laughed while waving the towel around "Is daddy giving up, you don't have stamina no more"

I chortled angrily biting the inside of my mouth before attacking him again. He was quick, he was probably a runner in high school. This bedroom is small, I knew I didn't have to run but instead trap him. He jumped over the bed but I held the towel and yanked it back bringing his body with it.

He was about to land half his body on the ground, instead, I held him into my arms avoiding the accident with him still laughing. I found myself smiling even if I am so not okay with this stupid exercise he has just given me this early in the morning, it did help with the headache and I have to admit I am in a lighter mood, yeah to punish him. I held his body close to mine as we both took in deep breaths "Are you hard from all that exercise daddy" he questioned his clothed ass right on my hard unclothed dick "I am too, seeing you run like that when unclothed such a turn on" he said between breaths.

I held his body flipping him to face me before throwing him on the bed and getting on top "You enjoyed seeing that huh" I questioned my hand on his chin.

"Yes daddy" he gulped "Are you going to punish me now" he held my hand leading it to his lips "I have been a bad boy" he took it into his mouth and gently twirled his tongue around it, his action got my dick harder than it was before. I held onto his mouth stopping him while pulling my finger out tracing it on his jaw

"You're too quick to swallow small things, aren't you little prince?" The tremble in his body was not missed, my finger traced his jaw just as humble as my voice, so distinctively low and deep "I want to hear you beg while trying to take the bigger thing"

"Please" his voice trembled, his entire body reacted to the move of my finger.

"Begging already" I curtly chuckled "Already becoming my needy little prince" I lightly wrapped my lips on his chin sucking, he released a deep breath his entire body now hotter than before. I felt his hands wrap around me and without moving or stopping what I am doing I ordered "Hands down" they immediately left my body as I finally lift my head looking him in the eye "You don't get to touch me until I say so"

I leaned down to his trembling parted lips that are releasing hard breaths. His eyes automatically closed waiting to be kissed, I clicked my tongue "Bad boys don't get kissed" I instead moved my lips to his ear when I heard him whimper "They get punished" I pushed both my hands on his ass grabbing hard "And fucked hard until they are screaming like dirty....little....sluts" I finished my eyes directly in his.

He was now panting for air his entire face red "Now, take off your clothes and get on your knees" I stepped off him, I normally don't do my work naked but today I'm going in like this. I moved to the closet picking out my black duffle bag. I turned to find Tenley had already stripped and is kneeling on the bed, his dick standing up leaking right on my covers creating a mess. I clicked my tongue opening up the bag, he lost that privilege "I need you on the ground"

He scooted on the ground next to the edge of the bed "Safewords?" I asked without looking at him checking my tools and what I need to use today.

"Rasberry to continue, coconut to slow down, and Pickle to stop" his stiff voice replied as he constantly licked his lips, his eyes roaming my body with lack of focus, he easily gets distracted and me being on full display might not be so great.

"You're dying to touch yourself aren't you?" I questioned smiling at myself, his face turned even redder his abs tighter than before as I got close with the nipple clamps. I sat down and his eyes immediately moved to my dick a look of complete starvation taking over.

"Not as much as I want to touch you daddy" he replied as I twirled his nipple between my finger making it hard before attaching the nipple clamp. I did the same with the other after taking out the pin to avoid any injuries.

"We are going to taste your sense of hearing" I held the blindfold and wrapped it around his eyes "And trust" I added helping him back to his feet and back to the bed. After taking off the covers I laid him down on his back picking up leather cuffs, tying his right hand on the bedpost then did the same to the other.

I gently yanked on the chain that is attached to the nipple clamps, he moaned squirming looking so ready to be played with. I tied a leg spreader then attached it right onto his nipple clamps chain, I liked the sight "If you stretch your legs, you hurt yourself" I warned even if I know he will probably do it anyway and that is exactly what I want "Are you ready to be played with my boy"

He shivered as if he has been ready a long time yet I am too slow, I love it when he starts squirming while waiting for me to begin yet I take my precious time playing with each step and all he can do is whimper.

"Please play with me"

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