Chapter 2

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Oz's POV

I have been through so much and I can say I have been through hell but always managed to come back because one thing gets me moving 'My thirst for revenge' the one I have had ever since I was just fourteen years old, the one thing that has gotten me through every single day and night, the one that has gotten me wishing and wishing for a day to come when I can finally rest knowing that my revenge is done but every day he always outsmarts me or send people to kill me and I end up running for my life instead of the other way around but none of that has ever stopped me.

Why would I stop, at this point, I have gotten nothing to lose except for something to gain. If I kill Grizzly I know my entire life would have been worthy but if I end up dying without fulfilling it then I lived for nothing. I would rather take my last breath as soon as he takes his, maybe then I will rest in peace and they will rest in peace.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and took in my reflection, the anger in my eyes that drives me every day had to be put aside for today. Today was not the day to be angry or sad or feel like I failed, today was the day I start my game and find out what the Huxley's are hiding. Today is the day I find out what is hidden behind those walls and where Grizzly is.

After spying on that house for two weeks now and finding out nothing I knew I had to go with Mekhi's plan and play with the kid's fantasies. Give the kid what he wants then find out where his father is hiding. I have tried to keep tabs on everything, to see where Grizzly is but I found him nowhere and I know his kids have to know where their father is and I can't go with torture where I may not get the truth. Using vulnerability is better than force and blood, playing with the mind has always been a stronger game than a forced game

So when Mekhi told me about the kid's erotic journal of needing a daddy I knew I had to use that. As an already dominant person with the need for control, I knew if I didn't find out anything in the first few weeks I will have to use that journal on that kid and get him lost so I can find out more about his non-existent dad.

I need to know where Grizzly is hiding and the great this is I got Mekhi, I might not trust him with my life but I trust he wants Grizzly dead and an enemy of my enemy I consider him a friend. He is willing to kill Grizzly so he can keep Dash safe and I am willing to end Grizzly no matter the cost even if it means going through his kids.

Plus I can't just attack without any confirmation that this indeed is the family I am searching for. For now, I just need to use Tenley, give him what he desires, give him all of his fantasies, and with that, I will be getting to know everything about the Huxley's. What better way to get into someone's head than lure them with their deepest desires, if I play this game right I will be inside that mansion in no time and find out...

If they are connected to Grizzly or not

Good thing I am willing to do just about anything to find out about the truth and finally have Grizzly on his knees in front of me and make him pay for everything and if it means passing through the Tenley, I will do it. Even if it has to be Paisley I would do it, I might be gay but even if my chance stood with the girl I would have done it too, anything to get me Grizzly.

It's just my luck that I will have to deal with a boy. Now that I have a boy who needs a dominant daddy, it makes this simpler for me because that is something I can do, something I am into. I took in a deep breath looking at myself through the mirror, I decided to put on a blue tight suit that leaves nothing to the imagination, it might be on a plan but I still need to seduce the boy into liking me, seeing me as his potential daddy, then start trusting me to the point that I am his one and only daddy he can tell everything to.

I just need to take it slow, no matter how much I need Grizzly I can't blow this or make myself suspicious. I need his trust, not mistrust, and depending on his journal he is scared of men so I don't have to come onto him too strong and scare him off, I need to play this right

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