Chapter 16

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Oz's POV

I pushed two martini glasses towards the two ladies who smiled then went back to their conversations. I moved back to attend to other customers making them their drinks. My night wasn't being so chaotic and I hope it ends just like that. Drunkunds are hard to deal with and when a quiet peaceful night comes it is always a blessing, I know that from experience since I have owned a bar for a long time.

Now that I am in Livesberg, I needed something to take some of my time plus it is one of the two things I am very good at, and if you add a riffle then you got me. I learned from the best, they are the two things that connect me closer to him, that make me feel like his legacy isn't asleep or something.

I would want to get children and keep the Storm name but with this kind of life, I don't think I can deal with it at the time. Until I end Grizzly I am not about to start a family, I know I should start planning on that since I am not growing any younger- "I would like a drink" I didn't need to look to know who it was.

I lifted my eyes still shaking the cocktail I was making, my eyes landed on Tenley. I was supposed to just glance at him and avert my eyes but I don't think I could as he looked really hot. My eyebrows drew closer and I even stopped whipping the drink trying to take him in all and by just what I am looking at I am already a bit hard "Hey man" the customer I was making a drink for yanked me out of that trance.

I poured his cocktail and topped it with a slice of lemon before pushing it towards him. I moved my eyes back to Tenley, I don't think I have seen him look this good. His hair was pushed back so neatly that it shaped his face showing his jerked jaw perfectly. His lips were pink and I know he added something as they were so inviting.

His eyes were popping like he did something to them that I couldn't put my hand on. They were wider and somehow bigger, well defined. His lashes were taller than they have been, they were just perfect, his eyebrows were also shaped nicely. I really couldn't handle his detailed face, he had shaved it slit clean like it looked so smooth, he looked so hot and so wantonly irresistible.

What did he do??? He has always been handsome but this, he looks like he had a makeover or something because I don't think he has any makeup on since I can't see it 'but it had to be there. Either that or am I seeing a different person today "I'm I going to get a drink" he said with a smile leaning over the counter showing his collar bone.

"What do you want?" I was still in a trance that I didn't pay much attention to what I was saying just checking him out.

"Hey get-" I raised my hand at the customer that was asking for a drink.

I pointed over to Orion "He will get you what you need" I didn't need to look at him when this hot human was in front of me. Wow "What do you want to drink?" he chuckled, his eyes shining so bright. His smile lit my world, I am certain because I smiled just from seeing him smile.

"Your-" he shook his head, his face turning bright glancing away from me as if he couldn't say what he wanted to say "Choose for me" it seemed like it wasn't what he wanted but went with it anyways.

"Okay" I gave him one look over then decided on a drink to make him. I decided to make him a strawberry cocktail with vodka and lemonade. It didn't take more than three minutes to get done with the drink before moving back resting the drink down but didn't push it towards him "Come get it"

"I want to get it" his voice sounded like he was flirting and his flirtatious smile proved it as he leaned over to get the drink. I held his hand leaning closer that we were face to face and I didn't miss the gasp that escaped his lips "Need something daddy" I had to stop fighting myself control on that, I know my eyes reflected what my body wanted and that was to rip off his clothes.

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