18: Back to sleep

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Jan 18th - Prompt: Darkness


Peter woke in darkness, frowning slightly.

He couldn't see a thing, he doubted he'd even be able to see his hand in front of his face... Not that he could get his hand in front of his face...

He belatedly realised that both his hands and arms were pinned down, causing his heart to pick up speed.

He pulled slightly, but couldn't free himself.

Swallowing hard he tried to sit up, only to realise there was something wrapped very tightly around his waist, and also something wrapped loosely around his neck.

Peter lay there for a moment, before he frowned again. The last thing he remembered was climbing into bed and going to sleep after a long day of meetings and paperwork, and now that he thought about it, he was laying on something rather soft.

Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up the room, making Peter jump a little, before he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

Thanks to the flash, he had managed to see exactly what was pinning him down to what indeed was his bed.

Lucy was laying on one side of him, on top of his left arm with one of her arms wrapped around his neck, her face buried against his side, fast asleep.

Susan lay next to Lucy, also asleep and holding onto Peter's wrist.

Edmund lay the other side of him, one arm linked around his and the other wrapped tightly around his waist.

The flash seemed to of disturbed Edmund, for his eyes snapped open and he jumped.

"It's only lightning Ed." Peter whispered. "Go back to sleep."

Edmund stared sleepily up at his brother before nodding and instantly falling back to sleep again, his grip, if possible, getting tighter.

Peter really had no idea why his siblings were there, but he found himself glad that they were, even if he didn't know why.

With a sigh he rested his cheek against the top of Lucy's head, his eyes slipping shut as he too eventually fell back to sleep.


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