123: Doesn't mean you aren't

262 14 3

May 3rd - Prompt: Magnificent


"Trust me," Peter all but snorted. "I don't feel very magnificent at the moment." 

Edmund stared at him, before sighing. "Everybody has down days." He said with a small shrug. 

Peter shook his head. "Yeah, well today was not a good day for me to have one." He muttered, not sounding impressed as he flicked through the huge stack of papers in front of him. 

Edmund almost rolled his eyes. "You're putting way too much pressure on yourself." He told him. "Why don't you just take a very clearly needed break?" 

"I need to finish these by tomorrow Ed." Peter replied. "You know that." 

"Just an hour?" Edmund suggested. "You can come and get something to eat, relax for a while yeah?" 

"No." Peter replied simply, but his voice cracked.

Edmund frowned. "Peter?" He murmured. 

Peter continued flicking through papers for another ten seconds, before he pushed the stack away and buried his face in his hands. "I can't do this." He choked.

Edmund sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

Peter hesitated. "I'm not feeling too well, I'm stressed, I'm tired," He paused. "And like I said before, I definitely do not feel magnificent right now." 

Edmund swallowed hard. "Come on," He said. "We're going out for a ride, give you a break."


"I'll explain to Orious why the papers will be late." Edmund said firmly. "I'm sure he'll understand, or sort something else out." 

Peter gave him a small smile. "Thanks." He breathed. 

Edmund smiled back. "You're not going to feel magnificent everyday Pete." He said gently. "Don't beat yourself up on the days you don't."

Peter was silent for a moment. "Do you have days where you don't feel Just?" He asked quietly. 

Edmund laughed a little. "Of course I do." He said. "More often than you think, and I'm sure there are days when Susan doesn't feel gentle, or when Lucy doesn't feel valiant, but that doesn't mean that they aren't, just like you. Just because you don't feel magnificent Peter doesn't mean you aren't, I know, we all know for a fact that you're magnificent, otherwise Aslan wouldn't of named you that." 

Peter stared at him, taking a deep breath. "What would I do without you eh?" He breathed, smiling. 

"We don't even wanna think about that." Edmund said with a grin. 

Peter chuckled gently. "Alright," He said. "Let's go for a ride."

Edmund nodded. "Race you to the stables?" He asked. 

"Is that very Kingly?" Peter sort of mocked. 

Edmund laughed. "Well if you're not feeling like the magnificent King right now, might as well use it for good and not be." He teased. 

Peter thought about this for a moment, before shrugging. "Fair enough." He agreed. 

"See you down there." Edmund smirked, before rushing off. 

"Hey!" Peter called after him. "That's cheating!" 


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