198: I wish it was me

304 16 4

July 17th - Prompt: Take on the world


"No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through...
You should know, I wish it was me not you"


Edmund turned slowly from where he was staring at himself in the mirror, straightening his coronation tunic. "Yeah?" He asked quietly.

"You okay?" Peter asked, walking into the room.

Edmund took a deep breath. "Nervous." He murmured. "Still questioning whether I deserve this or not."

Peter stared at his brother as he turned away again, looking back at the mirror, before he sighed. "You do." He said somewhat firmly, joining Edmund at the mirror.

Edmund turned his head to face him. "So you've said." He whispered.

"Do I lie?" Peter asked, eyebrow raised.

Edmund sighed. "No." He whispered.

"Exactly." Peter said, placing a hand on Edmunds shoulder. "You deserve this, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

Edmund nodded a little, before glancing down, pulling at his sleeves a little to cover the rope burns still marking his wrists.

Peter took a deep breath. "Do they still hurt?" He asked quietly.

Edmund swallowed hard and shrugged. "A little I guess." He replied.

Peter nodded slowly. "I'm really sorry Ed." He sighed.

Edmund closed his eyes and shook his head. "Don't." He choked. "Please don't."

Peter licked his lips. "I wish it had been me." He said helplessly. "You didn't deserve any of it."

Edmund looked outstanded. "What and you did?" He asked. "Don't ever say that again Peter, it was me, not you, I got myself captured, and I suffered the consequences, you did not."

"You're my brother," Peter said. "I'm gonna wish it was me, and I do wish it was me, I'd take all that pain and give it to myself in an instant, because you're my brother and I love you, I hate seeing you in pain, and if I could've swapped places with you, I would've, and I mean that with everything I am. I. Wish. It. Had. Been. Me."

Edmund swallowed hard, shaking his head slowly as tears filled his eyes.

"Come here." Peter sighed, pulling Edmund close and hugging him tightly.

Edmund didn't do anything but tense up for a while, but he eventually relaxed, burying his face agaisnt Peter's chest with a shuddering breath. "You're an idiot." He choked, voice trembling.

Peter placed a kiss to the top of Edmunds head. "So you've said many times." He whispered. "Now come on, deep breath."

Edmund swallowed hard and did as Peter had said, calming down a little.

Peter smiled gently. "You need to finish getting ready." He pointed out, slowly pulling away.

"We've got time." Edmund murmured softly.

Peter nodded a little. "Yeah." He breathed, hesitating a little before sighing. "I'm glad you're still here Eddy." He choked out.

Edmund stared at him for a long, long while, before taking a deep breath and nodding. "I know."


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