109: Burn

388 16 4

April 19th - Prompt: Heart


"I don't know what to do, he's not getting any better."

Susan took a deep breath, fiddling with the ring on her finger. "I don't understand." She murmured, shaking her head. "We've brought one of the best healers in Narnia in, and even he doesn't seem to be helping."

Peter swallowed hard. "His heart beat is getting slower and slower every day Susan." He all but whispered. "It's like that poison can't be reversed, even though the healers said it can."

Susan frowned. "They said that?" She asked.

Peter nodded. "Yeah." He murmured. "Even that healer we brought in says it can, it just takes time."

"Well, if it just takes time-"

"It's been a week Susan." Peter cut her off. "Surely he should be getting better by now."

"Peter listen, you need to stop worrying." Susan told him gently. "The healer is doing his job, he's healing Edmund, however slow it's taking, he's doing it. It's not like someone keeps giving him the poison, it's not like-"

Peter froze as Susan continued talking, but he wasn't paying her any attention.

"This medicine should help cure him." The healer told Peter. "But slowly."

Peter looked up from where he was sat in the bed, Edmund held up against his chest and half conscious due to the poison he'd only recently been given. "Slowly?" He murmured.

The healer nodded a little. "I'm afraid so." He said hesitantly. "It'll be a long healing process, but he can be healed, I promise."

Peter sighed and nodded, allowing the healer to give Edmund the so called medicine.

Edmund turned his head away at first, moaning in pain as he buried his face agaisnt Peter's shoulder.

"Ed shhhh, its only medicine." Peter murmured, placing a hand on the back of his brother's neck to calm him. "It's gonna help okay?"

Edmund seemed to understand after this, and turned his head back, slowly taking the medicine he'd been given.

"I will give this to him twice a day." The healer told Peter. "And each dose will kill off the poison already in his body. I would kill it off all at once, but that could be extremely dangerous and no doubt would cause heart failure."

Peter nodded slowly. "Thank you." He breathed.

"That medicine that the healer's been giving Edmund-" Peter cut off whatever Susan had been saying.

Susan shut her mouth and frowned. "What about it?" She asked.

"Don't you think it's a little weird that it's supposed to be healing him, but nothing seems to be happening?" Peter said.

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