33: The best gift

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February 2nd - Prompt: Gifts


Each of the Pevensies gifts in some way saved Edmunds life.

Peter, who watched it all happen, watched his little brother get stabbed in the stomach, watched as he fell, used his gifts to avenge him and hold off the witch long enough for Aslan to get there. Without him fighting her, without him distracting her and bringing her attention away from Edmund, she could've well figured his little brother was still alive, and things could've ended up a lot differently than they did.

Susan saved him from having an axe in his chest, or wherever Ginabrik was aiming for. She shot that arrow, her gift, and saved Edmunds life. Her aim was perfect, determination in her eyes. It was the first time she had killed too, she always thought she would never have the courage to, but for family, she realised, she would do anything.
So she used her bow and arrow, her gifts from father Christmas, to save her little brother from an evil dwarf.

Lucy's gift was probably the most important of all though, for this was the one that truly, truly saved his life. A cordial that healed any injuries, Lucy's gift from Father Christmas, and the most important. Without this gift, the stab wound would of never been healed, and Edmund would have died. But thanks to Lucy, and of course Father Christmas, Edmund survived. Lucy gave him her cordial, her hands shaking slightly but surprisingly steady,  she poured one drop onto his tongue, and from that moment he was healed.

All three gifts saved Edmund in their own way, and that alone was the best gift Edmund himself could of ever received.


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