119: Keep praying

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April 29th - Prompt: Church


"You wanna come?"

Edmund glanced up from where he was sat on his bed. "Where?" He asked.

Peter smiled a little. "Church." He said with a small shrug.

Edmund stared at him for a moment before nodding. "It's weird to think this whole time Aslan was Jesus." He murmured as the two headed downstairs.

Peter nodded. "It's weird to think about." He agreed. "Like, we've technically met Jesus."

Edmund smirked a little, grabbing his coat. "That's an odd sentence for someone nowadays to say." He laughed.

Peter smiled gently, opening the door. "I am glad you figured it out though." He said.

Edmund smiled back. "Well, you were no help." He joked.

Peter laughed, heading down the path. "You were supposed to figure it out on your own Ed." He told him.

"Yes, I know." Edmund replied, closing the gate after him.

"You reckon Lucy's any closer to figuring it out?" Peter asked.

"Well.... I saw her reading a Bible yesterday." Edmund replied with a smirk. "But we'll wait until she says something before we assume. As you said with me, she needs to figure it out herself."

"I wish Susan would say something about it." Peter sighed after a moment or two of silence.

Edmund bit his lip. "You reckon she knows?" He asked.

Peter shrugged. "I wouldn't know." He breathed. "But I do know that she's slipping further and further away. She hardly speaks to us anymore, hardly talks about Narnia."

"Maybe we just need to give her some time?" Edmund suggested.

Peter sighed. "Maybe." He mumbled, before taking a deep breath. "But come on, we better hurry before we're late."

Edmund nodded a little. "Keep praying." He told his brother. "Perhaps Susan'll come around eventually."

Peter smiled. "Perhaps." He breathed, before the two headed off down the street to the nearby church.


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