44: Your family

442 18 9

February 13th - Prompt: Weakness


Peter swallowed hard as he slowly woke, groaning in pain quietly as he squeezed his eyes as tightly shut as he could. 

He sat there for a moment before everything came back to him, he'd been kidnapped, although by who he wasn't exactly sure. 

Opening his eyes he found himself in a dimly lit room, one single window in the corner. He was tied hand and foot to a chair which was placed directly in the centre of said room, and he was alone. 

He took a deep breath and tested the ropes tying him up, only to find they were indeed way too tight to free himself from, so he just slumped back in the chair and sighed.

He sat there for a while before a door to his left swung open, revealing a hag of all people.

Peter frowned, he'd expected it to be a human. "What do you want with me?" He snapped suddenly, glaring at the creature. 

The hag seemed to smirk as she entered the room slowly. "Information." She replied casually, stopping in front of him. 

Peter laughed. "Whatever you want to know, I'm not telling you." He muttered, shaking his head a little.

The hag stared at him for a while. "I think with the right amount of pain you might." She said quietly. 

Peter swallowed hard. "Torture me all you want but I will not tell you anything." He murmured darkly. 

The hag smirked. "How many troops make up the Narnian army at the moment." She asked. 

Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah okay, so you can form an army bigger and stronger and wipe us all out with no effort?" He muttered. "I'm certainly not telling you that. Go ahead, try any means necessary, but they won't work."

The hag only stared at him for a few moments, in which Peter started to get rather uncomfortable, before she smiled. "I have one thing that might make you change your mind." She told him, her voice as sickly sweet as a hags voice could be. 

Peter hesitated, but didn't say anything. 

"Bring him in!" The hag called out the door, before turning back to Peter. "When I said pain, I didn't mean Physical pain, but more... mental pain." 

Peter had never been so scared in his life as when Edmund was suddenly pushed into the room by a werewolf.

The creature led him into the room and forced him to kneel beside the hag, where Edmund hesitantly glanced up at his brother, looking beyond sorry. 

"Oh Ed, it's not your fault."

"Now, I'm gonna ask you again..." The hag muttered, pulling a dagger from her cloak. "How many troops?" 

Peter swallowed hard, licking his lips as his heart pounded. 

The hag chuckled almost to herself, before quickly slicing Edmund's upper arm open with the dagger. 

Edmund's eyes slammed shut and he forced back a scream, knowing that that wouldn't help Peter at all.

Peter pulled against the ropes as hard as he could, but they didn't budge. 

"Do you have an answer yet?" The hag grinned. 

"Don't Peter." Edmund whispered, slowly opening his eyes and sending a pleading look up at his older brother. 

The hag smiled again, before shoving her dagger straight into Edmund's stomach. 

Peter's eyes went wide as Edmund doubled over, a grunt the only thing escaping him as his eyes slammed shut. "Edmund!" Peter had never struggled so hard before, and actually ended up knocking over the chair, hitting the floor with a thud... but still the ropes didn't budge. 

The werewolf let Edmund go and he slumped to the floor, gripping his stomach as his breathing picked up speed and desperation. 

"Let me help him!" Peter cried from his position on the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The hag laughed. "Answer my question." She all but whispered. 

Peter squeezed his eyes shut, but after hearing Edmund's choked breathing, he sighed and whispered the answer, his voice cracking. 

The hag nodded. "You family is your weakness oh mighty High King." She mocked. "And many people know it." She added, before finally untying him. 

Peter jumped up and dashed straight over to Edmund, falling to his knees beside him and immediately placing his hands to the wound, cringing at the feeling of blood. 

"Stay with me Ed." He choked, voice firm but frightened. 

"W - Why'd y - you do it?" Edmund slurred.

Peter sighed. "They'd of left you to bleed out of I hadn't." He choked, ignoring the two creatures watching in satisfaction. 

Edmund didn't say anything and instead just groaned, coughing harshly and staining his teeth red with blood, which worried Peter to no end. 

"Come on Ed, I'll get you help." Peter whispered. "I promise." 

His head snapped up though when two loud whizzing sounds reached his ears, and turning round found both the hag and the werewolf dead on the floor, an arrow sticking from each of their chests. 

"Thank Aslan we found you." Susan murmured. 

Peter smiled in relief at his sisters. "Lucy." He murmured, but Lucy was already on it.

She hurried over to her brothers and fell to her knees beside Edmund, who was looking extremely pale by this point.

She undid her cordial and poured one drop into his mouth.

Peter never liked the waiting, his heart pounded the entire time until Edmund let out a small cough and his eyes flickered open.

He stared at Peter for a moment before turning to Susan and Lucy. "You found us." He whispered, sounding relieved.

"Course we did." Susan responded gently, running her hand through his hair.

Edmund smiled weakly before slowly turning to Peter, his eyes filling with tears. "You idiot." He mumbled, but he meant it kindly enough.

Peter swallowed hard. "If it means you live then I will quite happily be an idiot." He choked, before pulling Edmund off the ground and into his arms, holding on as tight as he possibly could and never wanting to ever let go.


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