142: Run

291 14 5

May 22nd - Prompt: Poison


Peter ran, he ran and he didn't stop.

His heart was pounding, his lungs screaming at him to stop and rest, but he couldn't, he could not stop running.

He rounded a corner, almost skidding on the marble floor, but still he kept going.

He was gasping for air, but he couldn't bring himself to care, he only had one thing on his mind, and that was to find his brother.

Bursting into the ballroom, where the celebrations for the Just Kings 17th birthday were being held, Peter quickly scanned the room.

He panted as he stood there, and then he spotted Edmund... who was being handed a glass of wine by a young faun.

Peter's heart skipped a beat, and he dashed at his brother, the second he was close enough smacking the glass from his hand, when it had been mere inches from his lips.

The glass shattered across the floor, making a few people turn to them, but not many had heard it over the music.

Edmund himself looked beyond shocked as he stared at his panting brother. "Peter?!" He questioned, actually not sounding very happy.

Peter swallowed hard, gasping. "P - Poison." He forced out. "It's poisoned."

Edmund went a shade whiter at Peter's words, and turned to stare at the wine on the floor, his heart skipping a beat. "How - How do you know?" He asked slowly after a moment.

Peter, after calming down a bit, took a deep breath. "I overheard people talking." He muttered. "Don't worry, Orious is dealing with them."

"Was - Was the faun who gave it to me in on it?" Edmund asked, trying to find said faun in the crowd.

Peter shook his head. "No." He replied. "He had no idea."

Edmund nodded slowly, before taking a shaky breath. "Well..." He said slowly. "T - Thank you."

Peter placed a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asked.

Edmund looked up at him. "Just a little shocked I think." He mumbled. "Other than that I guess I'm okay."

"You're looking a bit pale." Peter pointed out.

Edmund licked his lips. "Perhaps just a bit of fresh air." He said quietly.

Peter nodded. "We'll go for a walk in the gardens." He told him. "It's quiet and peaceful down there."

Edmund nodded slowly, smiling a little at his older brother. "Sounds good to me." He breathed, before the two left the ballroom.


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