152: I was fine

290 15 5

June 1st - Prompt: Try


"E - Ed?"

Edmund swallowed hard, glancing up at his brother, shaking.

"Is - Is that blood?"

Edmund hesitated. "No...?" He said slowly.

Peter took a deep breath, staring at his brother. "Ed-"

But Edmund shook his head, slowly kneeling on the wet, muddy ground, gripping the tree like a lifeline.

Peter rushed over without a second hesitation, eyes wide and heart pounding. "You said you weren't hurt!" He cried. "You said you were fine Ed!"

"Well," Edmund slurred. "I thought I was."

Peter rolled his eyes, yanking up Edmunds tunic to find a lovely gash going down his side. It was swollen, bleeding and quite possibly infected. "How on earth did you think you were fine?!" He exclaimed.

Edmund shrugged a little, although it made him clench his teeth and hiss sharply. "I was fine." He whispered. "Now though, perhaps not so much."

Peter ran a hand through his hair. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He asked.

"Because there was no need." Edmund murmured.

Peter nearly laughed. "Tell me you're joking." He said.

Edmund weakly shook his head. "There wasn't any way I could get help, it would've made you worry way too much and by now you'd be ill, and now that we're close to Cair, you'll actually be able to carry me back, as I know you'd try to do." He explained.

Peter stared at him for a while, before taking a deep breath. "Well you were right about one thing." He muttered. "I am going to carry you the rest of the way back." 

Edmund sighed and rested his head against the trunk of the tree. "I'll be honest with you." He murmured. "I don't even have the strength to argue."

Peter sighed sadly. "This is gonna hurt, but just try not to scream." He breathed as he stood and lifted Edmund into his arms. 

Edmund gasped sharply when he was moved, squeezing his eyes shut as he buried his face against Peter's shoulder and wrapped his arms tightly around his neck. 

"Okay, sorry." Peter whispered, terrified at the pain his brother was in. "We're not far from Cair okay? Try and hang in there." 

Edmund nodded slowly. "I will." He breathed. "Don't worry." 

Peter snorted. "That's easier said than done." He muttered, but started on his way back to Cair, hoping and praying that his brother would be okay.  


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