6: I have to try

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Jan 6th - Prompt: You can't protect everyone


"Peter, you can't protect everyone." Susan murmered.

Peter glanced at her. "I have to try." He whispered. "I promised Mum and Dad I'd protect you three, and my duty as a King is to protect my kingdom."

"I know Peter." Susan breathed. "And I understand, but sometimes we can look after ourselves ya know, we're not children anymore."

"Edmund and Lucy still are." Peter reminded her. "They aren't eighteen yet."

Susan sighed. "Sometimes I forget that." She mumbled. "They act so much older."

Peter nodded in agreement. "They do." He breathed, before sighing. "I just wish I was with them, to protect them if needs be."

"Edmund and Lucy will be just fine." Susan told him gently. "You on the other hand are gonna need to stay in bed for at least another few days."

Peter stared at her, rolling his eyes but deciding not to argue, he wouldn't get very far anyway.

"I'm sure Edmund will protect Lucy." Susan whispered after a while.

"That's what I'm worried about." Peter whispered. "I mean, I want him to protect Lucy of course I do, if anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do. But - But you know what he's like, he'll protect her with his life. Susan, who's gonna be there to protect him?"

He sounded so scared, so broken that it caused tears to fill Susan's eyes, but she held them back. "As I said Peter, you cannot protect everyone." She said softly. "But Edmund will be just fine, so will Lucy, you'll see."

Peter swallowed hard, resting his head back against the pillows with a sigh. "I really hope you're right."


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