51: Moving on

383 15 6

February 20th - Prompt: This old house


Susan took a deep breath as she stood in the middle of the empty living room.

This was a hard day, a really hard day, but there wasn't any way she could keep this house, for one she couldn't afford it, and two it held too many memories.

Her siblings had been gone a while now, but it was still no easier, and if anything, still having this house was making it worse.

Obviously it was hard to sell the house, basically sell all the memories, but she knew she didn't have a choice, so she had just gotten on with it.

She bit her lip as she glanced around, smiling at all the fond, happy memories that came to her mind.

Edmund curled up on the sofa by the fire, reading whatever book he was in the middle of at that time.

Lucy, happily drawing or colouring in, whichever one took the five year old's fancy.

Peter, finishing up some last minute homework.

Her Dad, sat beside Edmund with a newspaper and a pipe.

Her Mum, sat with Lucy as she herself knitted.

Susan had to wipe the tears from her eyes at the memories, and this was part of the reason she was selling the house, she couldn't look at anything without remembering something, not even the empty room it would seem.

Wiping her eyes and cheeks, she took a deep breath and grabbed her bag, which was the last remaining thing in the house.

She headed out into the hallway, running her hand along the banister by the stairs with a sigh.

After a while though she headed outside, closing the door behind her before turning to stare up at the house.

She could hardly tear her eyes from it, but after a while she headed off down the road, her bag gripped tightly in her hand and her coat wrapped tightly around her, shielding her from the cold wind.

That old house meant so much to her, she'd grown up there, in fact she couldn't ever remember living anywhere else.

But it was also important to her that she moved on, because the pain of the memories was just too much, sure she managed to find joy in some, but at the end of the day, her siblings and her parents were gone, they were dead, and no matter what she knew she would never, ever get over it.


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