Chapter 99: Memories

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After Phosiderite and Eudi's patrol. Break cycles are enforced among them, now it is time for Phosiderite to meet up with his Master.

"Oh.. I hope I won't get shattered again." He wails in anxiety as he walks up to the hill where Phosphophyllite resides in. The hill has strange short ionic columns that lined with Lapis, there sat Phophyllite in a frantic manner on a steep part of the hill.

"Greetiiings Master!" Phosiderite joyfully exclaims as they get prepare for the words. 'Ohh what will be the punishment be this time?' Phosiderite repeatedly asked themselves. Then Phosy finally scowled at Phosiderite and gestured them to come over, Phos gulped and walked over carefully whilst trembling.

"Is there something you remember.. from before you were born?" This question surprised Phosiderite as he didn't really understand what his Master was talking about.

"Huh? Well I'm not so sure.. How do I remember things from before I was born?" Phosiderite inquired whilst perplexed to his Master.

"Phosphosiderite. You and I are technically close brothers, and maybe I thought you might've remembered something from my own past but if you don't think it's the case, then I see." Phosy explains as Phosiderite's expression grew more confused and he didn't know to make of this but the talk was interrupted by Red Aventurine, with the question "Huh? Phos what are you doin' here?"

Red Aventurine has a very astute attitude, he's very popular among the gems and mostly gives others motivation, and is the first to introduce the concept of 'destiny' to the gems. Their color palette is a reddish-brown with a medium bob style haircut and is the Professional Regulation Officer among the gems

"Master, you are in meeting with Phosiderite, yes?" Avent asks politely

"I am."

"Ah.. My apologies. Since now that I cannot voice my reports here is a copy of them, Sir" Avent gives out a page of papers as she bows and leaves Phosiderite and Phosy behind.

"A-ah Sir! I think there might be something that I know about me remembering stuff before my birth." Phosiderite answers finally after Avent's leave.

Phosy leans over as he observes what Phosiderite has to say.

"Antarcticite.." Phosiderite suddenly says as Phosphophyllite was shocked and backed away slightly.

[Phosiderite somehow shares the memory with his Master. How is it possible?!]

Phosy now looked half-scared and half-guilty, as Phosiderite worried for him and asked.

"M-master?! I'm so sorry!! Did I say something bad?"
"N-no Phosiderite.. this just shows how valuable you truly are." Phosy came closer to pat Phosiderite's head and smile.

"I will explain in time.. but from now on, I need you to stay away from the battlefield as much as possible.." He added, as Phosiderite's expressions deteriorated into sadness.

"O-oh do I still get to patrol..?" Phosy, worried for Phosiderite's esteem allowed him that relief and replied with

"Yes, but you only to report to me whenever a sun spot appears. Not fight." He says tightly as Phosiderite looks at himself and nods to his Master's compromise.

[Later at night, all gems are asleep and only Phosphophyllite is awake for night patrol he wonders to himself]

'How is it possible..' Phosy asked himself whilst he looked up in the moonlight skies

'Phosiderite.. knows who Antarc is..' He sat on the ground as he slowly tears up

'Is it possible that you're still out there? Antarc?' He whimpers as he wipes his eyes.

[..and with that]

{Antarc's POV on the moon}

"He called out.. It's like I could hear it."


[If you're unaware every gem got resurrected at the end of Chapter 95 on the Moon including Adamant]

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