Chapter 128: Olden Memories

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Hnngggg.. I fell asleep by the desk.. huh.

The flowers they're still.. here..

But now they're all arranged in some kind of way, as if.. someone was serenading me.. hmm

I held my head and winced slightly – I have to get up and clean the mess then but it really looked so.. beautiful on how it's arranged even though the flowers all are ripped and plucked.. hmm.. I really like it but Master'll be mad if he saw so

I quickly picked up the flowers one by one and placed all of them in a wooden bowl carefully.

Maybe I should put them back where they belong..!

I went out to the nearby fields and dug up many tiny holes in the ground.. I'll see if they'll grow back into healthy flowers again.

"Mmmmm~" It was just a random tune I loved humming, it's a strange activity when I do it in secret but I really do enjoy finding the meaning of these flowers.. They mean.. Hope, yes, yes!

Now I place the flowers one by one in the tiny holes, hoping they'd grow back and stuff..

Now I have to hurry back~

I immediately got up and bolted back after quietly putting the wooden bowl down, I run up the hill to see Grandi and Obsidian but oh..?

All of the gems are gathered up with Master..?

Oh! I must be late for something! Gosh AHhhhHHh

I swiftly ran to them whilst panting and bowed my head down..

Uuuu.. Master might get mad but atleast I'm here right..?

"Oh.. Phos, It's alright – we were just getting Smoky reintroduce himself, though he's already finished. It's nice to see you here." Ah.. Master already has noticed my presence.. I dunno if he's mad I hope not..

"..and you can raise your head now." Oh! I guess he's not so angry after all.. phew..

"A-ah Good Morning everyone.." Finally I was able to properly greet everyone and after I sat between Grandi and Eudialyte – Smoky looks a bit different but I'm just wondering one thing .. Won't the others be confused why he needs to reintroduce himself?
Hmm.. Well only Eudialyte is the only one who's ever referenced Chalcedony.. other than Red Aventurine.. about that

Where is he anyways?

I reared my head on both sides and skimmed the area but there was no sign of him around anywhere..

"Red Aventurine is by the shore – He said he needed to check out some gem reserves."Oh.. Eudi must've n-noticed me huh.. I just nodded in silence.

"Well I'm glad that Smoky is finally awake.. Your bow it is still in the same place where you store them – but remember not to.. overexert yourself." Hmm.. The way master talked to Smoky as if he's a uncomfortable.. Smoky nodded along and sat with us – But Master does seem to be acting very.. strangely this moment, it concerns me..

Oh I guess he's off to his own.. area hmm.. he trying to do that thing with his hands before – I haven't see n him do that in a whil-

"Heya Phos! How was the task I gave ya?" Oh! I got completely deep into my thoughts..

With Grandi's question I felt slightly hesitant to answer but I have to nonetheless

"W-well I got some help from Smoky last.. night.. ehe.." Gosh.. I dunno if that's impressive but.. I hope..

*Twiddle Twiddle* Haa.. I'm touching my hair again,.. uuuuu

"Fufu.. Yeah, he did great on the flower assimilation, Grandidierite" Huh? Does Smoky really think so?! W-wow! I.. I did do great.. EEEee.. Yay >w<!

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