Chapter 120: Sabaism

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*Crunch Crunch*

Phos walked through the high snow as if trying to reach something but it was just so out of.. touch yet his look was fixated on one thing. The sky somehow, he wanted to touch the sky. The star on it..

*Ping Ping* It was just a dream..

Phos awakens from a sleep in such a long a time since he hasn't slept since the day he woke from the hibernation chamber, he looked exhausted and felt like everything that he's been through yesterday was like nothing to him.

"Hummmmmph.." Phos stood and stretches as the lament in his eyes were replaced with determination and excitement.

"Today! Today, I'm ready!" Phos steps out, he sees Red Avent sitting by some steps.

"Goodmorning, Avent." Phos sits besides him and smiles, Avent looks back with a cold smile on his face but the tone of his voice is gentle

"Hello, Phos." Avent replies whilst looking to the sky in awe.

"Have you ever thought of stars? The sun is a star too you know?" Avent seems to be like his old self again.. Phos is slightly confused but just laughs in nervousness but it did get Phos wondering..

'Hmm how is the sun a star?' He thought to himself so Phos asked.

"How is it a star if it's that big?" He tilted his head after asking

Avent points his finger up to the sky.

"It's a big star, yes. I've read it from the ancient human texts, it even has a name. Sol." Avent replied in a nonchalant manner.

"But as to how? It's a bit hard to explain, but what I can tell you is that it's very important that it rises every day, we draw our energy and 'power' from it after all. It formed from a spinning gas cloud and dust, called the Solar Nebula, a few billion years ago." Avent adds, he pressed his hand on his head as if extremely pensive shortly after explaining

Phos gasps in surprise how.. perplexing the explanation sounded to him but he tries to understand and is able to do it whilst staying silent.

"I see.. But most of the stars are small right?" Phos inquired, Avent puts his hand off his head and was seemingly fine again and looked to turn to Phos.

"Yes, but when humans were around.. There were people who worshipped stars." Avent replied as if hinting it as a possible interest point.

Phos smiled all of the sudden and it got Avent wondering.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Avent questioned, seemingly confused at Phos' expression.

"Oh. Nothing, it's just that it's nice to see you be yourself again." Phos giggled as Avent turned away, disgruntled by his laughter.

"E-eh. Well I just came to accept Chalcedony for what she is now.. y'know." He fretted in annoyance.

"Oh.. Kayy.. By the way. You think I can join you guys for Winter Duty? I asked Master a few days ago and he said I could and plus my rest day is past now.. SOoo pleeeease~!" Phos begged whilst tugging on Avent's arm

'This idiot..!' Avent though to himself but quickly composed himself and jested with Phos.

"How about you take my place today and work with Chalcedony, take my winter saw over there on that rack huh?" Avent smiled slightly as if giving Phos a chance but Phos stops for a second.

"Huh? I'm not the type to take something from someone..." Avent laughed but suddenly Phos got up and said in a marvel tone.

"IS WHAT YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY!" Phos runs to the rack with enthusiasm in his eyes.

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