Chapter 104: Gallery of fallen gems

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Phosiderite's POV:

Hmm.. Winter's coming, I wonder if Master will be holding guard during it as well.

I thought to myself as I sat trying to look at water seeing if I witness it turn into ice.

"Hey Phos! I know you're here." Ah that must be Eudialyte, even if Master suspended all of us from fighting he stills like working but oh well.

"Yes Morganite?" [A subtle reference to the 1st episode of HnK and Phosiderite being able to remember things that Phosy has been through]

E-eh..? What did I just say.

"Huh? Who're you talking to?" Ah it is Eudialyte but for some reason I said someone else's name. 'Morganite?' What does it mean..

"Sorry Eudi!! I zoned out there." I just said this to save me from the embarrassment that I said his name wrong, of course I'm supposed to be the smartest so.. I should really be responsible.

"Ah well, Winter is coming soon and Master said he might delay the initial sleep." Huh? Master Phosy delaying winter sleep? That sucks I've been tired all this year anyways.

"Gooot it!"

"He's by the Cape of Dunkelheit." [Previously this is the Cape of Emptiness] Eudi said as he walk away with some paper in hand. Huh wonder what's on those, welp there's still time so I guess I can go to talk with Grandi, she always seems busy so she's rarely seen dozing off in the winter. Teehee!

I rushed over and went to Grandi's station

I reached her station and as soon as I did I woke her up

"Heyyy!! Grandi! Wake up!" Huh.. That's strange it's not Grandi sleeping here. It's Obsidian.

"Hiya Phos! Sorry did you need anything?" I heard her voice finally, ah, she was behind me, running and hoping to tag along.

"Grandi!!" I immediately gave her a hug and a bright smile.

"Haha.. I think you needed a hug huh?" Pfft. Silly Grandi I needed you, not just a hug!

"H-h-huh what..?" I looked back on her and somehow her cheeks had turned red! Fiddlesticks! I must've said that outloud, but I don't know why she's smiling with her cheeks all red.

"Ah.. I'm sorry! What did I do, why are your cheeks all red?!" I immediately inquired and she just gave me a pat and smile.

"I don't know either but somehow it makes me feels better when it's like this." Grandidierite finally replied.

"Are.. you.. secretly an Alexandrite?!" [Due to the because Alexandrites and Grandidierite kinda has the same set of colors] I teased her as I ruffled her hair and giggled.

"Bahahaha! Ah you act so adorably whenever you do that, I wonder why you seem the youngest instead of me." She pondered whilst looking up the sky.

"Master gave me a lot of knowledge on having fun in life and stuff.. So kinda before you guys were a thing I just wanted to have fun! Then that Lunarian with the gigantic sword came down upon and crashed the party.. I think now I have to defend Master with my life too." I also looked up in the sky.. huh I felt like I sounded old in that moment, it's strange but I think that's what she wanted to hear. So I just gave her a sincere smile whilst cackling slightly

She giggled with me as we sat through the sunset and somehow it felt different than the other times when we used to do this.. Sit by the sunset, be careless of life, ah it all seems strange to me now.

"That's only time you ever sounded old to me haha." She said as the statement faded then suddenly something blackened the sky so I sprung up to look at it clearer.

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