Chapter 136: Lazulight

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"Obsidian.." A word was uttered from Grandidierite's mouth, though it was the only word that she blurted out – the tone of her voice seemed like she was in distress and was worrying though she hasn't even opened her eyes yet..

In Grandidierite's vision she could almost the glimmer of Phos' color with a mix of Obsidian – it felt so much like delirium but a few minutes she lost control and shut her eyes once again

It was a silent morning, usually the chatter would come from Grandidierite trying to keep Obsidian awake – but this morning it was incredibly silent..

Phosphophyllite is sitting on his mound with eyes closed and with distress in his expression.

Right now, he's thinking about his feelings and is troubled with how much he's bottled up in the last two centuries – he doesn't want these feelings to extend onto the others (the moon gems) but somehow there's a miniature ray of hope that Kongo.. Might still love him, he doesn't openly admit this thought but it crosses his mind from time to time.
He's more worried about the impact it would have on the other gems that the incident has occurred once again but as he gets up he puts up fortitude and sighs.

"Cinnabar.. Bortz..Diamond.. Everyone – it feels lonely here too you know.. Ah no.. You're all there enjoying on the moon I think so.. I guess.. It must be fun, I haven't thought about the things that happened years ago clearly yet.. So." He pauses as he looks up to the sky, he doesn't get to finish his thoughts but he lets be and assimilates from afar that the other gems must be awake by now.

Red Aventurine is seen waving from afar and seems to have a book in hand.

Smoky, Phosphosiderite, and Eudialyte are huddled in a circle formation discussing about some things.

Phosy waves back in response as he walks towards the gems he winces his head slightly.

"Huh? Master are you okay ?" A worried question was from Avent – he didn't realized immediately that he was already close.

"It's just something minor, don't worry." He replied in a casual but seemingly lying way, it queled Avent's worry and he sighed as he joins the others.

Though as he went he gestured towards the table Obsidian and Grandidierite was on – he wanted Phosy to check on the two, after all Avent worries much about them, basing on his own knowledge of the books he thinks that they might not awaken.

Phosy caresses his hair for a split second as he goes to check on the both unconscious gems.

And there he sees a strange sight – Grandidierite, her body, on the side and her face it seems as if she's crystalizing and melting, in worry Phosy immediately rushed to her and brushed his hand across her surface.

It felt solid yet there was a jagged and spiky feeling to it almost as if the changes are microscopic

To Phosy' surprise Grandidierite begins moving and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is.

"..obsidian.. I'm so sorry.." Grandidierite's voice seemingly faded lower but she opens her eye to see her own Master with a worried look.

"Master.." she speaks out with utter despair and immediately he holds on to Phosy and buries her face deep on his chest.

"I'M SORRY!!!" She exclaims loudly as she lets her voice out she forcibly tries to hide her face due to embarrassment.

"It's alright.. It's not me you have to apologized to, Obsidian might wake up much later than you – after all he is already been damaged many times." Phosy held her head and assured her that she'll be alright and in a brief moment he lets her go

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