Chapter 98

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[It has been 200 years after Phosphosiderite was given birth on the Cord Shore. What has become of Phos and Phosy?]

Phosiderite bravely stood over on the Hollow Cape with their blade anticipating the Lunarians return.

'The sun is gorgeous today as Master Phosphophyllite, I'll make haste with this secret patrol today' Phosiderite said to themselves as they were slightly nervous as Phosphophyllite had forbidden them to patrol themselves, but Phosiderite now is.. ostentatious and eager to impress their Master (Phosphophyllite).

"Being reckless again? Phosiderite?" Suddenly a voice comes from behind, effectively spooking Phosiderite out.

"E-Eeep! M-master I'm not being reckless! I'm protecting you!" Phosiderite turns over to Phophyllite as they pout and flay their arms around.

..and suddenly

"Hm? Is that so Phosiderite?!" With much anger in Phosphophyllite's voice. He clenched his fist and ran swiftly towards Phosiderite and leapt

It was a triple sunspot, but just as Phosiderite had turned around their Master had already cut all three of them without even wasting a single second.

Phophyllite barely stepping a foot back to the tip of the Hollow Cape had once again impressed Phosiderite whilst they were on the ground (Phosiderite thought at first Phosy was charging at them so they sat down and panicked).

"T-that was so awesome Master!! I m-mean.. I'm sorry for patrolling solo again. Please forgive me!" Phosiderite was on their knees and bowing down whilst begging for forgiveness.

Phophyllite sighed and held his hand out for Phosiderite, as Phosiderite grabbed and with the support of Phosy he was carried back on his feet 

"Siiiir~! My apologies that I was late for early duty!" A tall and stout looking gem ran up to the scene, they resembled a velvet and black style on their hair, their face had a serious expression as their stance was almost perfect, including their posture. This was Eudialyte, a team leader of the new gems.

"Tsk! Be sure to be quicker next time, how will your partner be ready for an attack?" Phophyllite angrily said to Eudi whilst they bowed in apology

"It will happen less often. Sir!" They strictly reply

"Make sure of it, and Phosiderite, I will meet you after this shift." Phophyllite sternly says, instantly making Phosiderite tremble.

As the ordeal has concluded Phosiderite got up and nervously giggled as Eudi gave him a chop on the head for 'not following orders'

"O-owww!" Can be heard from the distance as Phophyllite walks away.

[Phosphohpyllite changed for good, now with less kindness and more 'true emotions'. But Phosy deeply and truly cares about his new creations! What only remained was his anger and thirst for revenge to the Lunarians especially Aechmea]

"Do you think Master will ever get revenge on the Lunarians?" Phosiderite asked Eudi.

"We shouldn't meddle with those matters, dear brother, and besides we aren't strong enough.." Eudi replied as they gave Phosiderite's sword back to them and continued patrol.

"I wanna be the one that gets revenge for Master one day.. I promised him." Phosiderite looks up to the afternoon sky and fixed their posture for patrol.

" Phosiderite looks up to the afternoon sky and fixed their posture for patrol

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