Chapter 103

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Phosy stands watch peacefully as he looks at the other gems had finally recovered, then suddenly Red Aventurine approached the watching Master.

"Yes, Red Aventurine?" Phosy asked with a concerned expression.

"I'm sure that you're aware, Master.. That Smoky had some doubts about your past, I, too feel the same. Though I have heard from him already." Avent replied seriously.

"But, what makes you unable to tell more about your past?" Avent added. Avent scares almost anyone with this attitude and it scared Phosy too.

"It's a story of betrayal, Avent, there is no more I can say apart from that." Phosy gloomed down and had tried to put so much integrity in his statement.

"Master, I don't mean to be rude but could it be that. In your time that you were an outcast?" This question shook Phosphophyllite and sighed as it nodded to a yes.

"Ah, no worries Master, you're our protector after all. It doesn't make you any less of our Master." Avent smiles as he dances along with the air and walked away to gather with the other gems

[We have peace, but now Phosy is the one doing the patrols and fights, he doesn't want anyone harmed anymore!]

Once Avent was out of his sight, he composed himself and thought

"Ah.. Antarc, I wish you could understand." To Phosy, Antarc had been there for him even for a short time. Yet Phosy feel different towards him, he thinks for a moment. 'Why' because he thought all the other gems should just be destroyed but Antarc.. He wanted Antarc to understand just how much unrest Phosy went through to be at where he is now.

Suddenly a tug was felt by Phosphophyllite as he looked down and saw it was Phosiderite.

"Hi!! Master!!" Phos smiled as he embraced Phosphopyllite.

"Ah.. hello, Phosiderite, there's something I wanted to give you." Phosphophyllite lightened up and smiled before giving that 'something' he saw in Phosiderite the gem he was before. An adorable, unknowing goofball is what he saw in Phosiderite and then finally. Phosy pulled something from their moon pockets.

"Oh what is it Master?" Phosiderite looked excited and jumped slightly

Phosy pulls out a moon necklace.

"It's two things, Phosiderite. I'll be giving you my nickname, Phos, yes that's what I call you from now on." Phosy told Phosiderite as he felt like Phosiderite could someday be his most skillful or maybe the one who can give him the satisfaction of understanding what his true motives were before all this. Phosiderite, now stood as the one Phosphophyllite truly believes in.

[Metaphorically this is Phosphophyllite giving Phosiderite his 'main protagonist' status and from now on. The story starts with them!]

"I'm so honored Master, I promise I'll take care of you and the other gems!" Phosiderite happily exclaimed.

"And this necklace.. I'm giving it to you, it is made out of Lapis Lazuli and Magnetite as the string, so you may always find your way home [Clearly there are no metals on Earth yet. So this is only a saying from Phosy]" Phosiderite immediately was surprised of the gift and wore it like a natural beauty.

"Hey Master~! I'm gonna be the cutest ever!!" Phosiderite brags as he giggles and smiles at his Master.

Phosy smiles back at him too as he had essentially given part of himself to Phosiderite so that when Phosiderite is facing his worst ordeals, the Lapis from Phosphophyllite may influence him to make decisions that can benefit everyone

"Ah yes, you sure are. Phos" He patted him.

Then footsteps in the grass could be heard as Obsidian was seen standing beside Phosy with a remorseful expression on his face. [Obsidian is the speedster of this generation!]

"Hello.. Master" He said coldly as he looked down and scratched his arm.

"Yes, I know, it's alright at least you weren't hurt." Phosy already knowing that Obsidian had slept throughout the event when Antarc came from the moon to destroy Phosy.

"I see.. I have upgraded your sword.. Sir." [Obsidian had this slow tone of speaking as if he were always tired or exhausted] Obsidian said as he sat near where Phosy was standing. Phosiderite noticed this and sat with him instead.

"Heya! No worries. Master thinks your special anyways-" Suddenly this was cut off when Obsidian immediately covered his eyes and instated a crying status.

[See this part as a comedic effect to this chapter lol]

"AHh! I mean you're uniquely special! Right Master?!" Phosy nodded as Phosiderite sighed in relief and Obsidian stopped.

"Y-y-you need not tell me too.. Grandi is a great friend like you.. " It seems like Grandidierite was also the type of positivity overflow.

"Ah. Grandi is a great person herself! But maybe sometimes, you should try protecting her as she protects you." Phos smiled as Phosy observed closely, then both Obsidian and Phos cackled and made jokes for comfort as Phosy was left thinking.

'Antarc.. he once told me he didn't want Adamantto be lonely huh.. then for me it's okay to be alone. These gems.. they don'tneed to protect me, I don't deserve it-" 

"Uhh.. Master you zoned out.. your alloy is overflowing again" Phosy looked down on his arm and balanced the alloy on it.

"Sorry, I got too deep in thought" Phosy replied as Phosiderite gestured a "That's ok" pose and thumbs up and he and Obsidian then left to be with the other gems.

'Ah.. I can't remember what you told me before Antarc.." Phosy tried to remember so hard but to no avail as he just stopped and stood his ground instead to continue patrol.

'Maybe when the sun is gone, my memories can be aligned with the stars.'

[This is a metaphor, it basically means "I'll think of it in the evening"]

[This is a metaphor, it basically means "I'll think of it in the evening"]

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