Chapter 116: Relationships forged like gold.

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[In the perspective of Chalcedony and Red Aventurine after Phos had left to help Master]

"Let's go." Avent grips his winter saw with a mad expression

Chalcedony walks a bit away from the side as he gets ready to run.

*DASH* Avent starts running without reminder towards the sunspot, as Chalcedony follows along

The Lunarians aim their bows and finally take shot.

"Figure 1, Avent!" [Figure refers to "Step" so basically they mean Step 1, Step 2.. etc] Chalcedony exclaims as he closes in back with Avent in a curving-manner.

Avent takes hint and jump high whilst swaying his saw high in the air.

Chalcedony then smiles slightly as he thinks to himself it's been a long time since he's fought with Avent.

And then he performs Figure 2, to jump over Avent's saw and slash the Lunarian.

*HOP* Chalcedony jumps a tad higher and takes Avent's winter saw as a platform to reach the sunspot for slashing the Lunarians.

*SLASH SWIPE SWIPE* As Chalcedony falls Avent performs Figure 3, that is to also fall, whilst it happen though he controls and situates his winter saw under his heel vertically. He then uses the winter saw as amplifier for the jump and in a quick manner grabs his winter saw by the heel again and relocates it to his hand whilst in the air.

When Chalcedony reached the ground he immediately runs again towards closer to Avent to perform Figure 4, that is to throw his winter saw along to Avent's vacant hand after Figure 4 Avent will brandish the two winter saw for momentum and then.. for Figure 5.

He finally throws them in a criss-cross manner, effectively dissipating the Lunarians.

And for the End Figure, Chalcedony swiftly goes under Avent and catches him in arms.

[When Avent throws the winter saw at the Lunarians with high momentum and speed the hilt of the winter saws will somehow have a bright glint which is why it's called the "Twin Star Formation" and also the ones who can only do it is Avent and Chalcedony making them the "star-twins" of this move. To dodge the arrows of the Lunarians in mid-air is difficult]

"Huff.. Brother. I bet ya enjoyed that huh?" Chalcedony asks happily as the Lunarians were finally defeated, an angry Avent demanded he put him down

"Zip it." Avent gets off his arms and walks away as he swipes his shoulder

"Tsk" Avent was walking away, leaving Chalcedony to celebrate himself.

"Oh c'mon! Don't tell me you didn't like that haha.." Chalcedony shrugs in glee as he puts his arms down immediately shifting to a serious manner.

*WHOOSH* This.. sound.. could it be..? One last arrow was fired from a remaining Lunarian.

Avent immediately turned to Chalcedony to yelled.

"CHALCEDONY! AN ARROW!" After yelling Avent had realized that Chalcedony had taken care of it in such speed! As he crouches whilst holding the winter saw in one hand and a smirk across his face the Lunarian soon dissipated behind him.

"CHALCEDONY! AN ARROW!" After yelling Avent had realized that Chalcedony had taken care of it in such speed! As he crouches whilst holding the winter saw in one hand and a smirk across his face the Lunarian soon dissipated behind him

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"Heh. Sorry for freaking you out, brother." Avent is wide-eyed and shocked as he looks down feeling regretful for immediately walking away and turning his back on him.

"Eh.. Why.." Avent looks down as he asked in a concerning tone and worried expression.

"Hmm?" Chalcedony wondered.

"Why do you always.. jump in the frontlines thinking you can save me huh?!" All that anger Avent had fueled up in him has finally been poured on the cup to the brim..

Chalcedony is speechless as he sighs and pats Avent's shoulders.

"You know. It's been like that since the longest I can remember, Avent. I know that you may not prefer working with me but.. I only want to protect you because.. Smoky Quartz tells me to you know? Still I care a lot, you're the very thing I care for." Chalcedony finally breaks a bit character and replies in an emotion tone.

[Basically like Ghost Quartz telling Cairngorm to protect Phosphosphyllite, An essence of Smoky Quartz remains in Chalcedony and dictates some of his actions through principle]

Avent angrily punches Chalcedony whilst still remorseful.

"That's what you said years ago.." Avent remarks as Chalcedony kneels and give him a hug .

"Then I'll say this, A relationship like ours is forged like gold in the battlefield." Avent felt shocked in this moment and finally let himself be hugged by the very thing he despised the most.

"You're the worst ever.." Avent finally broke the silence as Chalcedony smiled sincerely.

"I love you too, brother."

[Avent is the onlyone who understands what the word 'love' and concept of it means!]

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