Chapter 112: Reflection

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Master's footsteps had gotten louder as Phosiderite huddles onto Avent's pieces tighter in fear of getting punished.

"P-phos..? What happened to..?" Phosy's eyes widened in shock as he rushed quickly to his side with Smoky's pieces in hand..

"I.. I'm sorry.. I'm a deadweight.. I couldn't save him.." Phos whimpered as Master sighed and told Phos to look at him

"See here..? Smoky's all cracked up too.. You know you should worry more about.. Avent.. he'll be the most devastated.." Master walks back into the Winter Shelter to store Smoky's pieces as Phos just sat there.

"Dear, sorry that you're having it rough.." Chalcedony walks up to Phos and tries to comfort them but Phos continues to huddle Avent's pieces in his arms like a child hugging a teddy bear.

"Mhm.. Let's walk by the sea tommorow, got it?" Chalcedony promises as he leaves Phos alone to help Master.

[A while passes, now it's nighttime.]

"Poor kiddo.." Chalcedony looks at Phos, now in the corner instead of outside still distressed over Avent's shattering.

Phos is shriveled up like a ball.

"Darling, I heard you're the oldest.. So I should be calling you great brother but you seem so young, but you shouldn't upset yourself too much y'know?" Chalcedony goes and sits with Phos as he tries to cheers him up again.

"I w-wanted to move but.. these sticks (legs) wouldn't budge and it's.. all my fault." Phos further buries himself in sadness..

"Ah. You know.. that mistake was okay.. You know, my existence alone is a mistake, cause' the only reason you saw me this winter is because.. I've been hidden from the others.. for an infamy" Chalcedony explains in a melancholic manner as Phos looks at him and there he is..

Chalcedony smiles in pain as Phos sniffs and finally reveals his face again.

"That's the spirit! I know ya had it in ya! C'mere you little gremlin!" Chalcedony giggle as he cuddles Phos as he starts cackling too

"Ah.. T-t-thanks for believing in me." Phos sniffles and smiles slightly

"You needn't thank me too early, Darling." Chalcedony gets up and leaves to check on the unconscious Avent as he finished saying this his expression turned serious.

"I'm sorry.. I had to wake you up at short notice." Master apologizes to Chalcedony as he turns away whilst still trying to stay awake.

"I don't mind. Just like I told you.. The Savior can wake me up anytime." Chalcedony states as he sits besides Phosy and lays his head on his shoulder and shuts his eyes.

"So.. after many years these gems started calling you 'Master?'" Chalcedony inquires.

"Yes.. I'm.. a prideful that one day they might become Masters themselves." Phosy replies 

Chalcedony scoffs and moves a bit.

"You shouldn't act too authorative or else.. Things would turn out like with you and your own Master." 

[Chalcedony knows many things about Phosphophyllite and Chalcedony refers to him as 'Savior' rather than Master because Smoky Quartz wasn't initially born on the Cord Shore. He was taken from the moon in a previous ordeal before many other gems had even grown. Exposition will be published soon!]

Master turns over to him and pats him

"How's Phos?" Master inquires, Chalcedony rises from Phosy's shoulders.

"He's a different one.. Y'know? He the brightest sun I've ever seen before." Chalcedony shakes his head back and forth as he goes back to laying his head on Master's shoulder

[Meanwhile we see Phos as he walks alone around the Winter Shelter seemingly trying to patrol the area.]

"Huff.. Huff.." Phos is shaken by the cold winds as he's not the best gem fit for winter. 

His legs finally gives up on him as he falls on his body with lesser energy.

"Ah.. Avent.. I can't forgive myself.." His face flat on an translucent ice floe but somehow it begins to glow in Phos' purple color 

"A-ah!" Phos was startled as he jumps back a bit only to take another look at it and he could see through the ice because of the strange glow and then he sees glossy reflection

It's different.. He sees Lapis on the left side and a stranger to the right.. that looked like Phosiderite but their hair had a blue and green hint to it, the other part of the reflection smiles

 that looked like Phosiderite but their hair had a blue and green hint to it, the other part of the reflection smiles

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 Phos freaks out again and the glowing finally stops on the area, but this time a voice calls out from below "Let.. mee... go.."

Phos looks into the ice again with a careful motion but he just sees it's a blue fish-like creature.. 

"You must be the great Phosphophyllite! Lemme go pleaseeeeeee!!" The fish-like creature spoke to him as Phos immediately picks his saw up and carves the ice up 

"Don't worry! I got you!" As he does so the fish-like creature jumps on his face.

"Phosphophyllite! Phosphophyllite!" It squirmed

"WAHHHHHH! THAT'S MASTER'S NAME NOT MINE!!" Phos falls to the ground trying to get the fish-like creature of his face and as he finally does Phos rests but the fish-like creature gets on his arm and seemingly laches on.

(He basically discovered an Admirabilis!)

["Phosphophyllite..? You sure have changed.. My ancestors told me of your.. story so I've come!"]

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