Chapter 2: Shell

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[Phosphosiderite's POV]

There was nothing to see.. There was nothing to look upon, there was only darkness and the void in front of me..

I tried so hard to move my body yet. It doesn't move at all, I'm awake yet I'm asleep, no, I think. I just can't wake up – It's like my eye just isn't working today.

*Clink* *Clang* The sounds... There's warmth on my face? What is this?

"Phos? Repeat after me, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five." Ah... It's Master's voice

In response I tilted to my side and tried to find him though I can't really see anything at all... "Master..? It's been so long..." I replied in such a dreary tone; trying so hard to sound like my old self but to no avail. My previous memories won't come back to me and it hurts so bad...

"No Phos, I tried repairing you all day but it seems that every time you fall asleep or fall unconscious you forget everything that's happened that day. It's been 30 days since you've been dormant; now the issue is with your eyes." Huh? That must mean I have... huge gaps in my memory then


I stayed silent; he explained it like he had already explained it a hundred times – I didn't recognize it at first because the tone of concern was just.. Absent; the irritation in his voice was evident too.

A heavy feeling is forming all over my chest, it's excruciating...

"Every attempt to make you move has been egregious but I promise you'll get to move soon once again." Master.. I.. he sounded so promising, now I'm thinking how many times have I heard this? Suddenly the light was coming to my eyes; seeing Master in his state he looked so different now than what I remember – the cracks on his face were gone, the color of his body was different and his expression truly looked.. All overly exhausted – I felt his hand brush over to my head. I could see a smile forming on his worried face, it wasn't a grand smile but it was a smile to suffice.

"C-could you see?" He asked whilst all this 'water' came dripping from his eyes; he clenched both of my cheeks and embraced me dearly so.

I nodded to his question accordingly, he immediately pulled me towards him and I could hear his weeps..

"I gave you a reminder word on the 28th day. Do you remember what it is?" He finally let go and looked me in the eye.. Somehow all of this, I feel so empty still.

"No, Sir, I don't recall anything.." How did I use to act like anyway? Was I annoying? Bossy? Goofy..? Ugh the least I can remember is how I used to act like is when I was with Grandidierite on the beach after she had only woken up

[The act that Phos was keeping up as a joke between him, Avent and Smoky though Phos now thinks that it's his actual personality and goes along with it]

"Oh since you don't remember, I mentioned that you'll be able to see Obsidian soon, I'm sure you know who he still is right?" Ah.. Obsidian? The one who.. Hmm.. I don't quite remember but I know he's my sibling so I guess this is good news.

Though... I'm still worried about my memory gaps; I wished that it wasn't too significant.

"I got it, Sir – about Obsidian, how is he?" I don't even know why I was asking but here I am, it also didn't help that I sounded so apathetic

"Mhm. He is.. Well I'm not truly sure, he implored the others to not interact with him for a month. He's isolated himself on the beach."

Huh? So that's how it is then.. I guess I have to ask him for myself but I'm only half mobile. How can I ever..

*clink* *Clink*

"Phos, I imparted that chunk of Obsidian he gave to you. It's the material I used on your hair and some parts of your upper face, it's the base where your eyes are on right now." He explained further as he taps my forehead and lifts me up.

"You can't move yet, but we'll get you to see Obsidian. Okay?" He reassures me in a gentle manner.

Somehow the way he's lifting me up and all is making me feel all bubbly; looking up to the sky as we go outside I could see the sun shining ever so brightly.

Mhm.. Today is as beautiful as..

Oh! I forgot.. There was a new gem that was about to be born on the Shore..

"Master.. Has White Jade been born yet?" As I asked he happily looked up to me and answered.

"Yes. Eudialyte said he wanted to devote himself to them, it's adorable." Huh? Wow.. I never knew he had that side of him.. But what does he even act like before? Ugh too hard to remember..

"Grandidierite.. What about her?" when it came to that question Master's blissful expression shifted to that of a distressed one.

"She's been participating in patrols lately, she says she wants to keep her mind off the things that happened that day." After that all was silent; he kept walking and finally I could see a shade of black in the distance.

My body felt like it was being pulled to it. It was Obsidian, I know, but somehow, I just felt so compelled.

*Clink* Huh? What is.. My hair is..

Huh? Is this some kind of rope? [He's referring to the necklace]

*Tang* O-oh.. Some kind of necklace fell on my hands.. It looked beautiful wow, is this Master's gift from way back? Master's stopped walking too.. Are we here?

"This is our stop. I'll drop you here; I'll go check on Red Aventurine and Eudialyte. I'll be back, Phos." He placed me down in a sitting position; right now, I just realized that my legs all around was all cracked up.

"Hey... Phos..." Obsidian finally walked up to me and caressed my hair.

"Obsidian..?" I looked deeply into his eyes but no matter how much I try I couldn't move forward to embrace him.

"Today you get to see me... again. A-ahaha.." As he this he clings to my hand and holds it gently, somehow it made me feel all calm and the atmosphere was serene even though the splashing waters were noisy. He smiled profusely towards me but he looked like he was almost about to cry.. He's trembling.

"Obsidian.. It's okay.." 

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