Chapter 121: Naivety buried below the sand

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This chapter of Phosphosiderite's life may aswell ossify him..

*Crunch crunch*

Phos, Chalcedony and Avent are walking along a hill of snow, since yesternight there was a miniscule blizzard making the path incredibly difficult to pass through.

"Huff.. Huff.." Phos gasps in exhausting as he sat down on the snow. Chalcedony and Avent looked back to him as the ice floes make more noises in the distance.

"Hey we could take a break if you can't handle it. Coming back isn't always as hard as going in." Chalcedony impales his saw on the snow as Avent holds his hand.

"No need. He can do it." Avent replies, but he secretly turns to Phos and whispers.

"You can do it. Right?" Phos is somehow motivated that he thinks Avent believes in him so he brightens up and nods. Avent gets up back on his feet, pulling Phos along with him.

Avent seemed reticent and reserved in that very moment, as if trying to hold in his own feelings but he shrugs it off as something else.

Chalcedony smiles slightly, as if he's looking at two beautiful sibling helping each other.

"Ah well, let's get goin' then." Chalcedony gestures them to come over and hurry.

[Also-I'll use She/He pronouns for Chalcedony because somehow he's crossing the line of gay and lesbian ksksk]

Avent and Phos follow along as the ground slightly trembles whilst the sound of the ice floes seemed to get louder and more violent.

"Hey Avent I don't think this one's gonna be a jaunt hahah.." Chalcedony stopped to giggled slightly, Phos faces lights up with worry.

"Keep yer' words to yourself please, you'll scare the rookie." Avent replied as he went along over.

Phos grips his winter saw tightly as the three continue to get through the passage to the area where many ice floes are present.

Chalcedony finally cuts through and digs a small trench to cave out to the area.

"Heya guys! Let's go!" Chalcedony exclaims as he looks out on the area.

Avent and Phos soon follow along suit..

"Huh..? What is this..? The ice is all gone?" Avent questions, Chalcedony is as confused and backs away slightly.

There is no ice but water, it's as if the something shattered all of it, there is only a few left though but they're very far from where they can jump from.

Phos soon sees the commotion and instead of being baffled he's amazed by the beauty of the sparkles and elegant ripples in the cold water.

Phos looks up to the sky as he sees a dim star, Chalcedony also looks in the same direction but he's only hit with more perplexion

"Hey darlin' whatcha gawkin' at?" Even with Chalcedony's seemingly harsh way of asking, Phos doesn't bat an eyelid but just replies.

"The Star. It's beautiful." Almost sounding like azombie, Avent laughs it off and calls Phos out as Phos apologizes and looks away from the sky.

"Sorry.. Chalcedony, it felt hypnotizing.. Heh." Phos cheeked a bit and focused on the worry about the lower ground having only little ice to step on.

"If we can't get close to the ice floes how will we be break them?" Phos answered, Chalcedony just got up and smirked.

"Hey yer' talking to the Queen of Formations here. So me and Avent will be able to do it very easily, oh, you, you can try jumping from here. There is an ice cap nearby. I think if you just hop really fast you'll be able to do it. Plus you should jump to the furthest ice floes in the northeast, we'll meet you on the left side of it." Chalcedony explained, Phos silently grunts and holds his saw tightly.

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