Chapter 125: Spring

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As Grandidierite worriedly holds on Master's arm, he shrugs it off saying that it's 'another's' fault

[He resents Pavilionus so much after the reveal that he associates his cracked face with the truth Pavilionus revealed to him]

"Master.. are you really..?" Grandi finally steps back as Eudialyte also comes to see the big cracked on Phosy's face.

"It's alright – it's not a gem's fault but it's definitely someone else.. Phos why don't you brief everyone on what has happened? I'm sure you've gained a lot of experience this winter." Phosy announced as Phos nodded, Grandi looked back at Phos and finally when she had finally wrapped her head around it she goes realizes immediately that Phos.. has been through a lot during the winter – immediately she feels remorseful having known that her close friend has had his arms.. corroded.. or perhaps chipped away.?

Eudialyte is not also so far from understanding what was happened since there were in hibernation and feels strangely intimidated by Phos.

"A-ah well.. I got it, Master..!" Phos nervously says as he's never really made a lot of reports but with his gauge of courage he initiates! But first.

"Well I guess we should all go to the main room.. So let's g-go.!" Grandi and Eudi both look at each, Grandi chuckled as Eudi seems weirded out

"Oh and.. uhh I think Obsidian is still asleep." Phos mentions, Phosy nods as he goes the other way.

"I'll be with you all shortly, I'll just need to meet with Red Aventurine." He announces

The three make their way outdoors and a pleasant breeze brushes against them..

[The thing is – there is no rooms, they do a lot of things outdoors including sleep but hibernation? They make a massive tent for that and around the tent is some kind of protective layer to hide it from any possible Lunarians, Phos saying "main room" is just his nervousness catching up to him]

"The scent of the air has definitely changed now that you have the strongest arms among us." Eudi remarks whilst laughing , Grandi angrily pokes him in response of the comment.

"Phos, why did you even wake up and couldn't sleep?" Grandi inquires but Phos stops in his tracks and lowers his head in thought.
"Well.. there was this blue gem.. she.." Phos abruptly said as he gestures in such a way that makes him seem oblivious.

"A blue gem? I don't think a gem could be born by winter.. Eudialyte do you it's possible?" Grandi seemed insistent in wanting to know the strange reason why something kept Phos awake for an entire season.

"I'm not so sure, let's ask Red Aventurine later but I think hasn't finished his explanation." Eudi replies it gives Phos some kind of sangfroid that Eudialyte still sees him the same, Grandi too. When Phos had decided to use metallic arms instead of the usual stone ones he thought to himself that the others may see him more differently that before – given that he did change to a new hairdo but shortly he felt relief.

But all the while his arms seems to constellate further with the inclusions in his body

"A-ah well I'll tell you all about it when I can..!" Phos replies, Grandi nods happily in understandment, though weirdly.. Phos seems to be fiddle with his hair a few times whilst talking and even putting them behind his shoulder as if they were long – Grandidierite finds it new but doesn't mind on it much.

[The three reach a suitable spot as Phos initiates his report.]

"As you know.. This year's winter was unexpected – on the first weeks the Lunarians a mechanical type hand on the far northeast from here and a jellyfish [Admirabilis] who talks also swam up to the surface. During which a synthetic gem made it's way to the shelter but uh.. luckily Red Aventurine was quick enough to rescue me, after those days a Lunarian finally came down upon and uh.. tried to take Avent to the moon.. we were on the beach during this encounter – we managed to successfully fend them off but after that Master was damaged, there were some Lunarians who staged an ambush against him again, the sequence of how I got these arms it's.." Phos abruptly pauses as he looks his palms, desperately trying to gain courage..

"You don't need to tell us that part if you're uncomfortable, Phos." Grandidierite announces as Phos looks over to her and nods.

"Lastly.. there was also another jellyfish but this one was larger in size and Red Aventurine and I had difficulty stopping it.. we drove it back to the cold waters but it seemingly never returned.. the last of the ice floes have been destroyed but some ice caps maybe still left – they'll melt soon."

Phos wraps up his report, without Phos noticing. Phosphophyllite was clapping the background along with Red Aventurine.

Phos, again, slightly plays with his hair only then did he notice his Master and Red Aventurine looking utterly proud at him from the corner of his eye.

"A-ah.. you're welcome guys.. I hope it cleared some things up.." Phos nervously announced.

He went over to sit with Grandidierite – to his surprise Grandi gave him a snuggle and both giggled in happiness whilst Eudialyte turned around to Phosphophyllite.

And whispered.

"Phos is acting strangely, the way he walks and his 'new' habits of touching his hair.. what happened, Master.. did you truly wake 'him' [Chalcedony] up?" With this, Phosy nods in agreement.

"SO I'm guessing Smoky is still in repair huh?" Eudi inquired but Avent responded this time.

"He's already been repaired, just asleep for now." Eudi's expression turned that of relief as he turns back around to Grandi and Phos hugging and having fun.. oh and there's Obsidian.. a heavy sleeper as always, he made his way to the others and sat along with Grandi and Phos.

The trio complemented Phos and gave him pats and even joked and teased, it all seems like this year's winter was not as bad.

However.. the gleam in Phos' eye has caught his Master attention.. it seemed so.. familiar now.

 familiar now

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