Chapter 121.5: Metal's painful reminder to it's relative

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[Before Phos woke up.]

Chalcedony carries Phos' fragmented pieces in his arms whilst running in hurry.

Avent struggles to follow along.. frustration filled the eyes of Chalcedony.

"Slow down will you?!" Avent yelled as he ran behind Chalcedony.

But no words fell from Chalcedony's mouth, he bit his lip in anger.. up to the point it shatters slightly.

Finally they arrived at the shelter as Phosy stands shook, wondering what happened.

"Phosphophyllite! You need to help him!!" Chalcedony says aggressively as he ran towards Phosy.

Phosy takes Phos from Chalcedony's arms.

"Please.. calm down Chalcedony." Phosy worriedly said as Avent catches up and pats Chalcedony on the shoulder.

"Master's right. Take a rest will you?" Avent said in agreement with Phosy as Phosy went inside the winter shelter to piece him back together.

Avent followed along suit to assist his Master.

As Chalcedony stands there outside.. drowning in regret and resentment for how he dealt with the situation..

He looked over to his palm and angrily bit it off.

Yet it didn't feel any better.. This is one of the things he feared most.. the part where he losses control is what he's scared of the most.

"Red Aventurine, I'm going to take a walk.." Chalcedony reared his head in the shelter.

Avent looked back to him as he nodded in agreement, when Chalcedony went out again his arms stuttered though he carried to go back to where it all had happened.

Whilst Phosphophyllite was piecing Phosphosiderite back together he completed most of his figure but now he feared that..

"Avent.. what happened to him out there.. Where are the pieces for his arms..?" Phos asked in a anxious manner.

"Sir, he was. Devoured.. by a large jellyfish. I think it's another Admirabilis but no other were detected." With his report it shocked Phosy as he paced his eyes from left to right.

"Another..?" Phosy asked as Avent nodded.

"I see..." Phosy had realized what Pavilionus apologized for before she drew her last breath. In that instance Phosphosphyllite immediately resented her and looked down in despair.

Avent looked concerned and proposed to confine Phos until further discovery of new parts for his arms.

[That's when Phos awakes incomplete.]

"O-oh.. Phos? You've awoken..?" ?" Phosy questions as Phos rears his head in confusion..

"Who's.. Phos..?" He uttered, Phos immediately swayed his head left to right.

"Sorry.. Master.. I only forgot for a moment.. I know who I am." Phos attempts to hold his forehead but realized that he has no arms.

"Ehh?! W-where are.. my a-arms..?!" Phos immediately freaks out as Avent holds him in hopes to calming him down.

"Sorry Phos. Avent says you lost your arms to a massive jellyfish. They tried to recover your arm pieces but it's nowhere to be found." Phosy replied in disappointment and held his head down.

Phos looks at his Master and is seemingly confused at what he says.

"Huh..? A giant jellyfish..? When did that even happen..?" Phos wonders as.. he doesn't remember the ordeal..

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