Chapter 109: Dregs of the past

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[Intensity in one moment and Fear in the other. There Phosiderite stands a hall away from the lamenting Master Phosphophyllite.]

With anger in his flaring from within him, Phosiderite called out.

"Master! What in the world is the necklace for?" Phosy looked on back at him and suddenly his expression turn to a stubborn one.

"Why are you awak-" Phosiderite suddenly bolts towards  Master

"THAT NECKLACE GAVE ME A NIGHTMARE" Phosiderite with speed whilst cracking his legs and face, but the signs of them stopping were vague 

And then Phosiderite finally reached Master and threw a punched but it captured by Phosy's grip.

"Y-you're tired.." Phosphophyllite said with a saddened expression whilst blocking Phosiderite's punch.

"I.. I don't want.. to destroy you.." Phosiderite replied as they finally shattered into the ground and a horrified face as Phosy sits near him.

"I'm sorry.. But I gave you that necklace so you could maybe carry me on.. So that if I fail in getting revenge on the Lunarians.. Maybe you can fight for the others.. and me." [Basically Phos wanted a heir, I'm not too sure if that's in-character so sorry!] Phosphophyllite tried to sound as honest but somehow to Phosiderite it seemed selfish.

"A-ah.. Then is it true.. that you destroyed your own m-master before." Upon hearing these words Phosphophyllite teared up and cried 

"Yes but.. There is another reason too.." and a clinking noise could be heard from afar and it was the necklace! It flew in a straight manner and landed near the shattered Phosiderite's hand.

"H-h-huh?" Phosiderite tried to turn his body to look at it but was too weak to do so. Phosy patted him and cradled Phosiderite in his arms.

"I made it so that.. if you were ever taken to the moon and that the magnet would return to me here.. It's made out of special magnet." [Yeah theres no science behind this. Let's just pretend it works]

Phosphophyllite glanced on over to a chunk of Phosiderite's materials and picked one up as he lays Phos down again and mends his neck and lodges them back together

"I have never tried repairing a gem before you know.. but repairing you guys reminds me of a bittersweet memory. Phos" 

Phosiderite gasps and is still slightly mad

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Phosiderite gasps and is still slightly mad.

"Did you want me to get those kinds of dreams with this Lapis p-p-person?" Phosy nods to a 'No' and continues to try and repair Phosiderite.

"I never meant for that to happen.. I didn't even know it was a possible" Phosy replies.

"Ah.. I'm sorry.." Phosiderite feels bad but Phosy fakes a laugh and smiles

"Mhm.. It's alright, I'm only scared of one other thing.." Phosy looks on over to the side where the snow was visible 

[Duties during in the winter are done by Smoky and Avent. Two actual gems that won't be washed away so easily when dropped into the cold water. They are preferably chosen for the task due to this feat.]

"Smoky, over there!" Avent rushes over on the distance as Smoky aims his bow to shoot down the root of the ice floes

[Info: The arrows used by Smoky are reproduced Lunarian arrows with sharp obsidian on the end, that's why it's a hard thing to carry out. (Obsidian adds a bit of weight to the arrows which requires the bowsman to exert more pull on the string)]

*WHOOSH* Smoky shoots, but oddly it misses the first time.

*WHOOSH* He shoots again in hurry, he finally hits the target and the ice floes sink.

*UUUUUUU* (lol ice floe noises)

Red Aventurine runs over to Smoky's side and pats his shoulder with a concerned look.

"Are you okay..?"  Smoky looks back at Avent with an apologetic expression and sits down on the thick ice

"I-i'm just afraid.." Smoky looks down as he drops his bow.

Avent lowers himself and pats Smoky.

"Hey, I'm sure Master is also afraid to go through with it.. But we won't do it if the Lunarians never come, you know?" Aventurine tries to comfort and hug the poor Smoky Quartz

[Why is Smoky shaken and scared?! What are they scared of?!]

Smoky gets up again with a smile and a brighter face.

"You're right then! Maybe I shouldn't be so scared!" Smoky smiles as Avent giggles and grips his inter saw to prepare themselves once again.

"That's the spirit! Well I'll clear out any remaining ice floes then i'll go back to recon for you!" Avent dashes on over to the nearest ice floes leaving Smoky behind as he picks his bow up and tries to toughen himself.

Smoky wonders where Avent has went through and talks to himself.

"If.. I had to wake you up, I wish it would only be a dream." Suddenly a voice replies from below.

"Hey! Maybe you shatter yourself for a peaceful slumber!" The ice floes start talking to him as Smoky over to a puddle of it and replies to the ice floes.

"Well.. I wouldn't want Avent to be lonely." Smoky looks into his reflection on the puddle with a serene expression

"Do you know what it's like to be shattered?" Smoky continues conversing with the ice floes.

"Mhm. It's definitely peaceful and very quiet." Smoky glances all around him and looks back into his reflection and sees Chalcedony with a frighthened shriek he stumbles on back in fear.

"No.. No.. I.." 

[Chalcedony is the inner layer of Smoky Quartz! This is the 'him' that He, Master, Eudi and Avent was referring to.  He's the total opposite of Smoky! Flirtatious, A comedic gem but is very knowlegable about things and when serious is very.. truly scary.] 

Smoky places his hands over his eyes as he tries to erase that encounter with Chalcedony again..

"Why are you so scared of him?" The ice floes asked, The scared SMoky laid his arms down and let out a sigh.

"It isn't just him I'm afraid of.. I'm scared that I might never get to see Red Aventurine again." He replies to the ice floes while looking up to the winter sky 

The ice floe goes silent as Aventurine voice can be heard in the distance.

"Hey! I'm back! Ready for another hit & run?!" A bright Avent returns to Smoky after having sunk a few ice floes and Smoky gets up and greets him with a nervous smile

"Ah. Let's get to work.." Smoky replies, and Avent nods as he goes leads the way. 

Smoky before walking with Avent looks down on hos palm and sighs in despair then he continues winter duties.

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