Volume 2; Chapter 1

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*Crunch Crunch*

On this day the months all return to Obsidian. The wind blowing across his hair as he helms the sands of the shore; afar from all the others, peering over behind his shoulder. He takes a glimpse of where he used to reside, now there is not a place for him there at all – the rays of the sunlight, and the humid gusts of wind – the many things around him that reminded him of his punishment...

Meanwhile, along the outskirts of the lush grasslands stand Grandidierite, an expression of astute painted across her face, and sword in hand.

Sighing deeply, she looks down in wait – Who could she be waiting for?

"Is it finally 'that' day?"

Eudialyte ushers behind, with foreboding tone she stands beside Grandidierite with a frown.

"Yes.. It is but do you honestly think that Obsidian could ever be, you know?" Grandi replies; whilst clenching tightly on the hilt of her blade.

Eudi paced his head back and forth, now with a disgruntled expression, glared towards Grandi.

"It could've been you out there, you know? If Obsidian didn't decide for himself. All those things that occurred months ago wouldn't have happened if you could only control yourself. Tsk." It was a response of fervor – Grandi does keep thinking of this. What if it had been her?

[Flashback to everything that happened back then]

"P-Phos.." At that moment a shattered Obsidian desperately called out to Phos; both ankles of his legs were completely broken, with the most severe damage being his shattered left eye...

Phos was unconscious; disturbingly, with a smile across mouth with the only part of him unshattered was his tungsten arms...

..though in swift Obsidian crawled away in shame.

"LEAVE ME ALONE ALL OF YOU" He shouted loudly; Phosy calling out to him was futile – albeit Phosy still tried to lasso him with a bit of his alloy left through his hands but to no avail. The others ran for him as well but Obsidian all snarled, warning them to stay away...

...after finally reaching shore Obsidian could only sob with realization finally hitting him – the dream he had when he was unconscious was an addition to his breakdown, he contemplated eroding himself in the sea.

Slowly he crawled closer to the sea and placed his head deep into it – a second thought struck him and he immediately pulled himself out.

He lay on his back, breathing profusely, and looking up to the sky he finally collapsed with his last words being.

"Don't put me back.. Through hell..."

Smoky was as close as he was when he heard this; and in guilt he promptly fixed Obsidian's ankles. It was the least he could do to make up for the shot that hit his eye. 

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