Chapter 117: Emptiness

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[Whilst Phosphosiderite rests.. he feels a chill all around his body]

Phos opens his eyes but everything seems to have a blue tint and it feels oddly serene, his widened as he realizes he's in the sea deep below but his had was nestled softly on a something soft..

The view around Phos made him felt exonerated in a way as if everything's lifted. Phos looked around and then he saw the one who had held him for so long in the deep sea. It was.. Pavilionus?!

"Ah. You're awake mhm?" Pavilionus spoke elegantly as if everything about her has changed, her looks, her hips, and even her hair looked so comely.

"Y-you're that.. Fish.." Phos slightly swam away in shock, whilst skimming the once seemingly small Pavilionus now the becoming and gentle one.

"Yes and this is my true form." Pavilionus replied in atypical [No to be mistaken for 'a typical' it's 'atypical'] but gentle manner

Phos, discombobulated from the thing he's seeing, inquires

"Where's Master?"

Pavilionus, now in her true form.

Her hand having a blackened gauntlet with a topaz on it

Her hair now elongated and beautiful as if sifted through the sea

She also had a black gown that extends all the to her ankles, it's tattered with glistening dust and diamond-shaped black metallic plates were writhed all over it.

"He's right above." She looked up as she held out her hand for Phos to hold on to

Phos swims up to her close but suddenly Pavilionus pulls him too suddenly and as Phos bobs his head he realizes that Pavilionus face was close than ever, her smile illuminated the dark in Phos' eyes.

"I wouldn't wanna whelve the truth from a cutie." Pavilionus remarks as her smile washed away like evanescent starlight, her eyes flickered slightly before pressing her lips on Phos' ear...

Phos was unable to move as he held on tightly onto her as if it was a hug..

"W-what do you mean?" Phos inquires but only a short smoky whisper reply could be heard..

"The truth."

[Phosphophyllite's POV]

Ah.. This day feels seemingly longer than most days

I can't close my eyes to past the time, it's so.. gloomy that it's like this, hmm I wonder if Phosphosiderite is.

*SPLASH* Ah.. There they are, Pavilionus and Phos finally emerged from the pond.

"Greetings. How was your time with Phos?" I winced as I walked up to Pavilionus whilst still swaying my face to see Phos, Pavilionus carried Phos in her arms.. It seemed as if Phos had enjoyed it huh?

"It was okay!" Phosphosiderite replies to me instead as he gets off Pavilionus' arms.. Ah, Phos, his energy was not tainted after that huh? He's as dashing as I was.

"Ah hello there." I greeted Phos once again, I tried to smile but even so I held my chest in regret for what he went through, I don't think he's too keen on forgiving me so I'll-

And then suddenly Phos runs over to me and gave me his hugs as Pavilionus touches her hair in bliss.. Perhaps She's happy to see Phos delightful.

"I'm sorry.. I couldn't protect you.. Master." Phos held tightly as put my arm over him too in apology.

"Don't be you were brave after all." I replied as I kneeled over to give him a pat and a fresh wide smile.

Phos now released and looked down.

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