Chapter 137: Eternal Sleep

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*Tickle Tackle*

Obsidian still hasn't awoken – the others have grown to be worried sick and keep a close watch on his condition but taking a dive into Obsidian's psyche..

"They're so cute!"

"Yeah they look so pretty, Master!" Obsidian dreams of that day Grandidierite was born – they were all circled around Phosphophyllite who was still refining and forming Grandidierite lower half.

"Mhm. I decide that I'd want them to be unique than all of you – would you all like a sister, hmm?" Phosy happily questioned whilst doing the work

Everyone were all so interested in this new gem and the most enthusiastic among all was Phosphosiderite, Obsidian came second, back in that time Obsidian was a laid back gem and usually wore a smug expression, his mannerisms were nothing than the gem he is now. He is untimid, bold yet peaceful he fancied the things he does with his speed and it's rare to see him sleeping. Diligence was part of his title.

"Yeah!" Phosphosiderite exclaimed

"Mhm, that would be nice, Master." Unlike the current Obsidian, he also spoke with no trifles and even had a refined posture.

Those days.. Red Aventurine woke up late, Smoky Quartz was on duty unaware a gem had been born

Only Obsidian, Phosphosiderite and Eudialyte were there the moment Grandidierite was shaped

Eudialyte was only so astounded that he rather observe than talk too much.

"What do you think Eudialyte?" Phosy turns to him whils fixating Grandidierite's hair and fixing her patterns.

"Oh! It's totally fine, Master! I love the idea – however.. I wonder what kind of skill she'll pick up." Eudi replies so suddenly he didn't really expect to be asked though internally ecstatic about Grandidierite's birth

Phosy turned to both Obsidian and Phosphosiderite and asked for a favor

"Phosphosiderite, could you please wake Red Aventurine – he might still be asleep from all the compiling he's done, and Obsidian, Smoky Quartz should be on patrol by Cape of Dunkelheit (Hollow Cape) could you also get them?"

Both Obsidian and Phosphosiderite answered in unison with Obsidian nodding in response and Phos immediately running to wake Avent up in excitement.

"Hey Phos! Be carefu.. Ah.. He's already away." Obsidian turned to the direction he ran and tried to bid him some care but Phos has already ran too far.

Obsidian quickly turned back and loaned his farewell to Phosy and Eudialyte to get notify Smoky Quartz.

In Obsidian's memory.. His memory was not clear – he couldn't remember the things he was thinking whilst he was walking to Smoky. It felt like something had disturbed his mind.

Obsidian in his unconscious state felt like he was stuck in an eternal sleep, forever contemplating on how that day really went.

Was everyone even excited for her birth? The thinking made Obsidian further dive deeper into his olden memories and it felt like he wasn't even himself when Grandidierite forever changed him – it hurted internally but Obsidian couldn't scream it out..


"Master.. Obsidian still hasn't awoken.." Eudi reports to Phosy, he sighed and he reeled slightly as he paces his head left to from as if his mind is not clear

"I see.. How are things with Grandidierite and Phosphosiderite?" Phosy hid his ill emotions about Obsidian's rest and instead wanted to know if Phos and Grandi are still the same as they were.

"Things seems to be fine, Master though.. Phos has changed somehow – Grandidierite humbles herself mo often now, Red Aventurine is checking and documenting on white jade, and Smoky Quartz is by the beach along with Grandidierite and Phosphosiderite." Eudi replies as he tries to keep proper posture but the worries about Obsidian hinders his back and thinking.

"Thank you.. I'll watch over Obsidian tonight – please get some Eudialyte." Phosphophyllite says in a quite slow, and saddened way. Eudialyte doesn't usher another word and just nods before leaving

[Now we peer into the situation with Grandi and Phos]

Grandidierite, and Phosphosiderite are both sitting by the shore whilst Smoky Quartz is laying by a rock

"The sun setting is a beaut, huh?" Phos initiates a conversation with Grandidierite and quickly she replies with a look of quelling and somehow neutrality.

"Mhm.. It is." Right after her answer – Phos graces his hair once again and smiles in response.

"What's the matter?" Phos asks with much reserve in his tone and his expression – the emotions he portrays in his face seemed like he's holding back and his voice sounded weirdly smug, it's not so usual that Phos does this but the words he chooses as definetely still the same.

Smoky Quartz observes and thinks.

'Huh, he's still trying to keep up the act.' though he doesn't utter word but just chills around

"Ah well.. Nothing it's just that well.. I'm just worried about Obsidian.." Grandidierite replies

"He'll be up soon, I'm sure of it" Phos tries to sound fancy but it ends up sounding bland but it does emit a feeling of worry too

Grandidierite doesn't the weirdness of Phos' new behavior instead she's ashamed of her own.. It's as if the way she acts now and how she acted before is unacceptable

"Try not to worry too much about it. I bet Obsidian would be happy to hear your sorries too." Phos looks away from Grandi and looks onto the setting sun and somehow he thinks his reply sounded a bit mean and cold so he slightly looks down in embarrassment .

"Thanks, Phos.. Listen.. I.. these feelings I have for you .. I never wished for them to be secrets." Grandidierite replies.

When Smoky heard this his eyes immediately widened and he raised himself slightly from his position to hear what she has to say.

"Losing you is like.. Losing myself completely but.. My foolishness and assumptions they.. They've turned me to.. Do.. The things I once told myself not to do.. But it's repeated and I-" She suddenly paused when Phos hugged her.

"Enough.." Was the only word uttered – the tone of his voice now fitted the change he was playing an act into – though his face couldn't be seen by Grandidierite it was full of emotion and looked like as if he was about to break into tears but nothing came out but silence.

Smoky saw his expression and only nodded when Phos glanced at him..

"P-phos.." Grandi is just shocked and steadied whilst staring out in the distance

"Enough for today.. Grandidierite." 

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