Chapter 118: A single flower

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3rd POV

[We see Phosphosiderite as he goes to see a sleeping Chalcedony and Red Aventurine on a desk]

"Ah.. I hope you two were okay.." Phos puts a teeny flower near Chalcedony and Avent, he looks closely at Chalcedony's imperfect details and his appearance which shows such a similarity to his Master yet it has things made in his own ways, his pristine details is what makes him truly unique.

Chalcedony smiles and opens one eye whilst greeting Phos.

"Heya darlin' no need to worry too much about us." It's slightly surprises him but there was no reactions.

"Oh. How was the fight with the Lunarians? Did you win?" Phos inquires with glee in his tone.

"Heh you bet. You should've seen how I swung it with Avent's assist." Chalcedony boasts but it sounds as if their voice is a little rasp and rough.

Regardless, Phos still smiles in joy and sits by Chalcedony's foot.

"You two must be powerful together huh?" Phos wonders whilst he sways his legs back and forth

"Mhm.. Yeah, if that's how ya' see it. I guess." This reply was a bit strange as Chalcedony sounded almost doubtful in his own word.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Phos asks

"Well I have to remind you that I'm known for something bad when it comes to the others.. and to be honest I'm the villain in Avent's story but really all this.. hate, it's like an ocean for me, it's truly beautiful." With Chalcedony's reply, Phos was left confused but chuckled anyway thinking that Chalcedony loved being an outcast.

"It's drowning me." Chalcedony adds, as silence pours in the entire room, Phos looks down albeit he looks back at Chalcedony, throughout this Phos gave him a gentle pat.

"Oh.. Sorry.. I" Phos felt remorseful in a spec but Chalcedony smiles back at him.

"Don't ya worry.. It's useless anyways, ya' think words are really gonna bring me down huh? Well if it did then what can't?" Chalcedony's tone was again filled with glee and fervor

Phos smiles slightly, he touches his hair slightly as if trying to make go behind.

"Huh?What're you doin'?" Chalcedony questioned Phos' actions, Phos puts his arm down during this, Phos realizes in his surprise that he has short hair, why would he touch his hair?

"Huh? I'm not too sure why I did that just now.." Phos replied in perplexity

Chalcedony, however just scoffed and laughed it off.

"Maybe you learned that from someone huh?" Chalcedony asks, Phos nods in agreement thinking it's nothing.

"I guess." Phos replies further putting the odd happening to rest.

"So.. Why is your existence a mistake, Chalcedony?" Phos inquires, Chalcedony's face turns stern to the question.

"Well why don't you try your shot at guessing hmm?" Chalcedony teased him despite the serious tone.

"Huh? Well Master hasn't really talked about you a lot but you did say that you're from the moon so.. We're you a Lunarian?" Phos said as Chalcedony nodded his said to a "No"

"Mhm.. Well no, not an actual Lunarian but you can consider me almost a Lunarian." Chalcedony replies as he says this with utter numbness in his voice and seemingly.. pain.

"I don't really know much so just.. kind of tell me!" Phos goes quickly back into questioning, a hint of hesitation to know is evident in their voice but still the curiosity prevails.

"Seraphinite. I'm the reason he was hung on those chains, I know you've seen him, right?" This answer shocks Phosphosiderite as he looks back and forth to the ground and Chalcedony.


"..real, yes he existed along with the other gems you know? But you weren't fed a lie because of something bad.. When all the gems were young as I have said Phosphophyllite retrieved me from the moon but even if I was awakened years after, it seemed as if I knew more than most but this isn't only me also, Smoky Quartz, he and I knew a lot more than you even after being taken from the moon, by that time winter kept coming but even though. It was hard to make the other gems fall asleep so the only one who helped Phosphophyllite in putting gems to hibernation was Smoky Quartz and certain others, in those days.. My influence over Smoky was stronger.. I was his darker half , Seraphinite was born after Eudialyte (Not a year next to each other but he was the next gem that was born after Eudialyte) so it would have been easy to be confused if there was someone born in between Grandidierite and Eudialyte, Seraphinite was the third member of the Winter Squadron (with Red Aventurine being 2nd), but that winter was foreboding, during those days hibernation was still a hard thing to achieve but Lunarians came.. everyone was awake and targeted, Phosphophyllite has had trouble in dealing with the types from that year , so the only fighting chance we had is Me, Red Aventurine and Seraphinite.. That year almost everyone was almost taken to the moon including your Master but.. you know in that year I done something that permanently tarnished my reputation.. I cut down one of my own.. Seraphinite and bartered him to the Lunarians for everyone and Phosphophyllite himself.. I don't even know why they agreed to the offer but they did anyway and after that winter.. Everyone who ever knew Seraphinite missed him and before I even knew it.. To them I was a traitor.. Some understood my decision (Includes Phosy) but the others didn't.. but there were measure that your master had done to prevent me of being subjected to further damage." Chalcedony paused for a second as he turned away.. silence filled the room as Phos worries what the next words may be.

"Your Master, he chipped out part of the other gems in order for them to forget the ordeal that included you.. and he also broke Smoky Quartz and unearthed me from him, and placed me in a dormant state then he reformed Smoky Quartz again, effectively removing my influence over him.. but still he know how to work the bow without knowing why.. When he had the procedure for the others Phos was in the neutral of thinking of me as bad and as good so naturally he argued.. that I shall only be used in emergencies and never be of mention again but as time passed I still see through Smoky's eyes, everyone's memory is slowly coming back to them. Well Phosphophyllite at that time wasn't really sure if it would actually work but it kind off worked for some tim-." Chalcedony finally concludes as a voice can be heard.

"That's enough, Chalcedony." Phosphophyllite storms in with an anxious expression and stared down on him dreadfully.

"You should excuse yourself from here if you're feeling better." He adds whilst sounding more stern..

[Author Corner: Ihope I didn't make you feel dizzy reading that]

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[Author Corner: Ihope I didn't make you feel dizzy reading that]

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