Chapter 134: Escape

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Obsidian and Phosphosiderite returned to the rest of the gems whilst holding each others hands, in affection and nervousness.

[Obsidian wanted so]

Obsidian was slightly looking away but Phos seems to be fine and well whilst touching his hair like Lapis does.. Phos notices how much of a havit it already is but he doesn't do much about it.

"Hey Phooos!" Ah. A feminine voice could be heard from afar as the figure waves her hand in glee whilst waiting for them to come.

It's Grandidierite and the others were near her, waiting as curious as how Obsidian is awake early, and why they're together.

"Grandi!" Phos happily runs over all the while pulling Obsidian along with them but then he lets go of his hand now – Phos paused in his steps to look back at Obsidian.

Obsidian looked bleak and reared his head to the ground signifying that he still doesn't want to go back.

Phos understands and nods as he turns back and continues running towards the other gems.

Upon returning Phosy is once back to his old silent self, sitting farther from all the rest and learning to pray.

Eudialyte and Grandidierite was the one up front who Phos immediately talked to.

"Heya guys!" Phos greeted them happily.

"What were you two doin' Phos?" Eudi asked.

Phos turned to Eudi and touched his hair again.

"Well he kinda wanted to help me with the completeness of my current barren self." Phos explained but Eudi, in smug tried to tease Phos.

"Is that so? You two looked like a sweet couple from here y'know?" Eudi giggled as Phos paces his head.

"Whaat? What's a sweet couple? You mean like apples or something or what?" Phos tried to figure what he meant

[He only knows the collective noun 'couple' but doesn't know the couple that means a girl and boy being together]

But Grandidierite, somehow with a cold smile on her face turns to Eudi.

"Let's not joke about that shall we?" the expression on her face scared Eudi and nods in agreement, the sound of her fist clenching in clearly heard.

Grandidierite turns back to Phos with a normal smile and asks.

"What kind of things did you guys do?"

Phos, clealry confused on what just happens decides to ignore it and just answer her question instead.

"Well, a chunk of obsidian, we studied and I have it right here! But I'm still thinking about what Obsidian said and how I can relate this chunk to those words.."

Phos brings the chunk out – both Eudialyte and Grandidierite gasped in surprise, Eudi poked it slightly as Grandidierite rubs her chin in thought.

"Yeah! It does seem cool but it might've hurted Obsidian when he carved it out." Phos adds.

Grandidierite omits her focus from the chunk.

"Congratulations, Phos! No worries you're making good progress towards your self-completion or filling that hollow hole in your chest! By the time you're done you've already mastered yourself so keep going, Phos!" Grandidierite finally cheers for Phos.

Eudi also does the same and pats Phos on the head.

"Yep, with you learning more about stuff rapidly I might even lose captaihood to you" Eudi chuckles as Phos smiles and suddenly gives them a group hug.

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