Chapter 135: The First Quarter

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[On that same day.. Many hours had passed and the gems have begun the search for both Grandidierite and Obsidian.]

"Have you looked by the chord shore already?" Eudialyte asks hastily whilst walking past a worry stricken Smoky.

"Yes. Every nook and cranny, there's nothing." He replies in a tone full of grief

"What about Phos and Red Aventurine? Where are they looking?" Smoky inquires as Eudi turns around again and with a brief pause he finally answers.

"The Cape, they're looking for them on the cape." He answer in hurry as he runs away and towards Phosy.

"Master! No sign of them." Eudialyte relays Smoky's message to Phosy.

Smoky slightly turns and clenches his fist tightly whilst trying to breathe in and out – Phosphophyllite on the other hand is definitely worried and thinks of the only place where the gems haven't looked yet.

"Grandidierite's station. Have you checked there..?" Phosy sounded so heavy in saying this and so Eudi answered immediately.

"No, not yet, when Grandidierite left she said she'd take a walk with Obsidian by the sea side."

Phosy is shocked, thinking that they might've been drifted away by the ocean..

"I'll go to her station myself. I'm giving you and Smoky permission to use resin and go to the ocean to look for Grandidierite." Phosy replies.

Eudialyte nods and goes back over to Smoky to tell him of the news.

Phosphophyllite breathes heavily whilst holding his stomach and wishing that they didn't drift away.

He walks on over to their station whilst walking he remembers somethings about his legs and somehow a grand relative of Pavilionus.. When thinking of the ocean

[He's somehow remembering the betrayal of Ventricosus but not so clearly.]

Though he can't tell why and when it happened so he swiftly makes his way to the station – already he saw a glimmer among the grass, it was hidden quite well but in the nighttime it would be much easier to find.

As he finally reached the source of the glimmer he was shocked to what has fell upon his eyes..

It was the lustrous rubbles of Grandidierite and Obsidian – both with their eyes closed and somehow.. Both are waddled together in an embrace it almost make them look like they'd held onto to each other until this happened.

Phosy sighed and as he kneeled to grasp them both he hears the other gems' footsteps.

They all stopped, curious as to what made their master kneel and what that glimmer was.

"I've.. Found them, everyone." Phosphophyllite said with most guilt in his voice and slowly began to tear up.

The others slowly walk up to the scene and Phosphosiderite & Eudialyte were the first ones to witness the rubble.

It looked so beautiful by the way they were clutching each other even in this state but even so the idea seemed so wrong to Phos and Eudialyte.

The rest grew silent and all they could do is look in despair.

"No.. This is.." Red Aventurine broke the silence and got close too, whilst caressing Grandidierite's rubble.

Avent looked at Phosphophyllite after a short while – it's like their giving each other signals and with Avent's glance Phosy nodded and wiped the tears off his face.

Phosy got up and announced to the others.

"Get me two bowls, please." Eudi and Smoky immediately made a move, whilst he looks over to Phos and tells him.

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