Chapter 106: First Shot

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"Huuum Huum~!" Winter is coming soon! I gotta get ready for it.. Sleeping makes me the cutest ever. Heh heh.

I walk around the grass fields as I sit down and in the distance is Smoky practicing his archery skills.

Master is also on patrol today with Eudialyte, so I guess I can chill -3-

I can hear some light footsteps behind me..Hmm?, then Grandidierite comes into view and greets me with a warm smile

"Heya, Phos!" Oh Grandidierite teehee, you're the bestest friend ever! Oh Obsidian is here too?

"Hi Grandi! Heya Obsidian! Here to watch Smoky too?" Obsidian sits downs with me Grandidierite with a faint expression

"Ah.. Y-yes.. Grandi insisted me to c-come.." Obsidian replies, ah, it's so rare to see Obsidian awake. He snoozes all year around.

"Mhm! Mhm. We should all enjoy the days for now before winter. So we can sleep harmoniously!" Grandi adds. Yeah! I think she's right.. Heh Grandi's always right she's the youngest but still the coolest!

*WHOOSH* Oh the sound is Smoky's arrows is so awesome!

Then there's the other nerd. [Aventurine] Pfftt..

"Heya. Heya! You're all watching me? That's no fair~! You want me to teach some of you the art of archery huuuh?" Smoky looks on over to us as he cackles.

"I'll pass Smoky. After all I might not be able to even a weapon that heavy.. Haa" Grandi smiles in nervousness, but eh whatever you say Grandi I bet you're as awesome

"I-I don't think I can ever do it.. Sorry.." Aw even Obsidian doesn't wanna go.. hmm that leaves.. ME?!

"Pfft! You might become cowards when you grow up! Well I'll take it to the 'oldest' gem. Hey Phosiderite! Come on in the ring.. Maybe you could learn a thing or two" Gahh!! I can't do this stuff.. but I guess I'll try my best, after all maybe I can try using it to protect everybody. Mhm Mhm! Yeah I can do that!

Smoky flays over his hand with the bow on it and winks like a star.

"Fiiiine! But only this time." I rush on over to Smoky as I arrive to reach him. He laughs and pats my back as he hands me his bow

Hmm.. This thing's pretty heavy.. how does he even manage this big thingy

"Alright Phos. You should be both rigid but also fluid, so in other words. Create an equilibrium when handling and aiming, got it?" He helps me with the stance and somehow our forms (stance) match and he smiles as we aim for a small tree with a hole in the middle

"When it comes to stance you need to be a flower basked in the air." He places my fingers on the strings as he aligns his arms with it.

"The more you pull, the more the power you put into it." Mhm, yeah got it!

Now he puts my forms on straight, ow..

"Now firing a shot, you don't actually let go of the string, you just need the string to slide off your fingers. Understand?" I nod in excitement.

"Yeep! Got it!" I giggle as he lets go of me and watches me from a safe distance.. Eh?! I dunno if I can actually do this..

"Now.. KIKU!!" Ah that's the command to fire

Okay.. I let the string slip off my fingers and gosh this thing has a back knockback ahh!

*Whoosh* It hits a completely different area of the tree.

*Clap Clap Clap*

"Woohoo Go Phos!"

"H-hooray Phosdierite!" Obsidian and Grandi cheered as Smoky smiled in delight

"Ah, beginner's luck, huh? You're as good as I thought ^^" Smoky patted my back as he snickered and I gave his bow back

"Ehh.. Thanks, It was nerve-racking." Smoky retrieved his bow and looked at me with a smile.. Oh this one felt a bit sincere huh.

"When I started off.. I couldn't even hit a thing not sure if you remember seeing that, but I tried till my arms broke heh. So you should thanking yourself."

"Smoky.. You.." I gestured for a hug but all he gave me was a pat and smile

"I dislike lamenting over things that are insignificant heh." Pfft it's like Smoky rejected the hug! Hmph! I give the best hugs around here but oh anyway..

I walk on over to Grandi and Obsidian as I thought to myself.

'Ha. I wonder what it was like for Smoky to see a first shot to a see something.'


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