Chapter 129: A Cinnabar Star

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[Phosphosiderite's POV]

Smoky, Grandidierite, Obsidian and Me were walking by the plains, the wind blows as always.

Again we were staying and looking around in that same flower field where we plucked the Star of Bethelem.

I touched and placed my hair behind me again.. Gosh this habit of mine.. It never went away but as I was doing it I caressed my hand through the string of the lapis necklace on my head.

*Crisle Twisle Crisle* It made those little chainy noises.. I glanced over to another side and saw Hollow Cape far in the distance..

'The sun is gorgeous.. today.' The phrase felt.. incomplete.. I haven't forgotten have I? No, just a little.. hmm

"Hey Phos! What's the matter?!" O-oh! The others are already far ahead of me.. I must've been standing for too long.

"Nothing! Coming Grandi!"

I wonder if.. I could ever be awake for Winter again. I kind off miss it, and that annoying Snail Woman – Pfft.. I'm just being nasty but oh well..

I finally caught up to them and we were standing in front by a nearby shore – just a small bank of water not so big but it a very pretty.. place

"This place has been picked by Smoky." Grandi says

But hmm.. Why the water..? I don't really get it – Is there something.. I'm missing..?

I glanced over to Obsidian and Grandi..

"U-uhh.. Why this place :^D?"

"Oh... I'm not...sure... either" Obsidian replied softly for Grandidierite she also shrugged then I looked over to Smoky in confusion.

"The water is theoretically.. where we were all born – We all form from small things and that's when we can migrate or arise from the Cord Shore." That was his explanation.. it really did seem more like what Avent would say but still it's confusing..

I just bobbed my head down in confusion and swung slightly.

"To know your origin – That's what I mean." Huh? To know my.. origin..?

Hmm.. That does clears things up..

"Ah. I understand.."

"Mhm. I see now.." Grandidierite follows up with me, I paced my head and straighthened myself.

"How do you think.. I should do this..? Smoky? Am I going to find the meaning behind water too?" It's something I had to ask.. I still wasn't used to utilizing my own processes. I'm not sooo.. confident in this one either.

Or maybe perhaps I have to..

"No no. Phos, use the water as a stepping stone, to knowing who your origin." AH! That's definitely what I was thinking.. hmm. Alright! I think I can do this!

"Ah! I got it! I'll do my very best, Smoky!" I exclaimed..

*Tap* Oh? Grandidierite approached me behind and gave me a thumbs up..

"I know you'll figure it out Phos! We're rooting for you!" As she was saying that I see Obsidian jumping and cheering me on behind her.

Pfft.. Well I think it can't be too hard but I'll have to give my all of course!

"We'll leave you to it Phos. I'll be at your side if you any more help." Smoky says that and then he goes near to the water and sits down.

Hmm.. I guess I should start with that.. sitting by the water and looking at the waves may help!

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