Chapter 107: Preparation

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

Winter will come soon, we begin after the moment Phosphosiderite shot his first arrow

Phos excitedly flayed his arms whilst he walked on back to Grandidierite and Obsidian

"Heya-" Phos' greetings were cut by Grandidierite's hug

"That was so cool Phos!" Grandi cheered as she cuddled Phos tightly whilst giggling. Obsidian patted Phos' head.

"E-ehh.. It wasn't really so good.. I was just able to hit the body of the tree. Hehe." Phos said as he hugged back with a very perplexed expression.

"Oh hush! That was cool anyway! I can't even lift the bow myself." Grandi exclaimed. Obsidian nodded in agreement, too.

"Ah.. Thank you too Grandi, you too Obsidian!" Phos was seemingly gleeful as ever. Obsidian too! He's beginning to show his sunny side and smiles more often

Phos looks on over to Smoky as he continues to train. Somehow it makes him unable to forget what Smoky had told him

"Mhm! No probelmo Phos-u~!" Grandi let go of Phos as she giggled and laid on the grass and smiled. Obsidian sat down and laughed with her.

"Oh. I really am wondering what job Master will offer you. What do you think, Obsidian?" Grandi pondered as she cackled on grass.

"Mhm.. Maybe you can be a Watcher?" Phos' eyes widened up as he heard this, and so as Grandidierite

"Huh? What's that Obsidian?" Phos inquired.

"Ah.. It's someone who watches over the Homeland of everyone they care for.. I read it in of Aventurine's books, though I don't think they exist." Obsidian plainly says as he giggles whilst he facing away.

"Ah maybe you'll be the next Protector or something." Grandi says as she bobbed her head back and forth.

"Huh? Really?! Well I'm gonna do my very best for you all!" Phos stands up enthusiastically as he exclaims and smiles brightly.

"Yay!" Grandi smiles whilst clapping, Obsidian claps along.

'Ah. I'll be the protector one day.' Phosphosiderite thought to himself as he looks in the sky with a bright expression.

[The 'Watcher' Character and The 'Protector' Characters are from a story Red Aventurine told Obsidian. Though here the story isn't truly emphasized on, so I want you to look at the 'Watcher' figure as the villainous , devilish figure and the 'Protector' as the heroic, angelic figure. So essentially Phos wants to be the hero when the time comes!]

[Timeskip to Evening; End of the shifts]

"Greetings all!" Eudialyte exclaims in the distance whilst walking along with Phosy.

"Well.. well look who had the best day ever." Smoky lowers his bow as he comes to greet Eudialyte.

"Eh..? I needed to help, I wouldn't be worthy of the title of 'Team Captain' if I didn't." Eudi replies as Phosy glances over the fields.

"Hmm. Smoky where are the others?" To which Smoky replies.

"Ah Phos, Grandi and Obsidian are asleep this early. Red Aventurine is still researching on the previous fight."

[Red Aventurine has been glued to his researches when he heard about the previous ordeal!]

"I see. I want all of you gathered here though, we need Avent to set approximate measurements on our 'Winter Shelter'. Eudialyte, you and Grandidierite gather materials. So wake them up."

Smoky gives a subtle salute as he goes to tell the others.

"Master. Do you think it will be peaceful this year?" Eudi asks curiously as he has a bit of a worried expression on his face.

"There have been 2 Lunarian attacks this week, they're attacking now in this year. I think that we should wake 'him' up for this year's winter." He adds as Phosy rubs his chin.

"You're worried about Red Aventurine and Smoky, huh?" Eudi nods as he looks on over to the evening scenery.

[The first snow falls]

"This year then.. I think I'll put "him" back in the Winter Squadron. You needn't worry."

Eudialyte gasps in relief as he hugs Phosy tightly.

"Thanks Master, Just please. Do be careful."

[Who is this "Him" they are referring to?! A hidden gem from the others?]

[Who is this "Him" they are referring to?! A hidden gem from the others?]

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