Chapter 123: Sensation

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As Winter was coming to an end Chalcedony oversaw the scenery of a beautiful spring, it was his first after for so long and somehow he felt nostalgic seeing this.

"Chalcedony, I think it's your time. The others will awaken soon so get ready." Phosy signaled that he would be finally put back inside Smoky Quartz.

Chalcedony got up and went along with Phosphophyllite.

As he walks by he sees the look in Avent's eyes.. they looked so indifferent but finally he smiles slightly and looked away after a while.

"See ya.. around I guess, Phos." Chalcedony smiled once more and gave him a wink, it made Phos giggle in cringe whilst waving goodbye to him.

When he finally laid on the desk, Phosy grabbed Smoky's pieces and placed it near.

"Any last words?" Phosy jokingly asked but surprisingly this time..

"Savior, you look ugly yet beautiful. Please repair your complexion." Chalcedony replied..

In the previous times Chalcedony was awakened.. Phosy had asked the same question in a different manner but he never ever answered back, now that Phosy had asked it in a jokingly manner.. he answered after many years.

Phosy nodded and smiled as he placed all Smoky Quartz's back on him, putting him in deep slumber once again.

Whilst doing so.. Phosy did dwell on the thoughts of Pavilionus.. he had an urge to defy what she said to him.. before.. that he should no longer try repairing himself..

And finally.. Smoky Quartz was reformed, though he looked all cracked up and shattered it will take only a few hours for him to awake.

He'll be refined more by the time he's awake too..

"Hey Red Aventurine." Phos wanted to initiate some kind of discussion.

"Hmm?" Avent turned to him with a exhausted expression.

"Will you miss him?" Phos asked sincerely since.. to him, Chalcedony is one of the most unique gems he's ever met.

He hopes that someday he would be awaken but all things do have an end..

"Oh.. hmm.. I haven't really thought on that yet.. This year I just really loved his company unlike the past, but I'll definitely miss this winter.. three of us, teaming up.. it's somehow lovely to me, and Phos. I hope you can stay awake this entire year because you didn't sleep this winter... hehe" Avent ended with a tease whilst patting Phos in the back,

Both giggled and laughed in glee

Phos looks dearly back at Avent and then to his Master.

"Phos.. do you want to do it?" Phosy asks him as Phos nods happily, he is tasked to awaken the gem shortly from their slumber. Avent is brimming with pride as he feels more.. 'complete' and happier that he spent more time with Phos and got to know him.

Phosy then comes to Phos and pats him by the head, slightly rubbing over the lapis necklace fashioned like a floral headdress.

"Sometimes I feel much more younger whenever I pat you heh." He snickers whilst murmuring on how cute and how awesome he used to be.. before all of this.

"Then I guess you could say! When it comes to being the best.. I ROCK!"

[Author Corner: It sounded better on my head I swear]

Phos exclaims with beaming pride as Avent joins and demands a pat too.

"There's a lot of us.. so you're going to give us all your pats" Avent sounded demanding but interally it's his way of convincing :")

"Alright then you all and the others deserves pats bahaha." Phosy laughed sincerely for the first time in so long that it felt so strange to him but he didn't mind..


Phosy stands by the sun and contemplates on the thoughts of his old brothers..


"Cinnabar.. It's been so long.. I wonder how it's up there." Phosy asked himself whilst looking up to the sky and clenching his palm.. when he touched the lapis necklace, he somehow saw Cinnabar..

 when he touched the lapis necklace, he somehow saw Cinnabar

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