Chapter 101: Encounter

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It was Antarcticite who had walked out of the massive carpet-like sunspot.

"Phos. You destroyed.. Master?" Antarc asks while he looks down on Phosphophyllite. His appearance now looks a tad different, the winter uniform he wore is now complemented with white tassels, on the side of the waist was like fabric that was loose and looked like a dress, and his blade being longer and more hefty than his Winter Saw

The other gems (now behind Phosphophyllite) gasped and soon discussed among themselves some questions.

'Master? Who? What is they talking about?'

'Has Master Phosy done terrible things to them?'

'Why is this Lunarian able to talk?' The whisper reached Phosy's ear and shouted

"SILENCE!" As he cracked up more.

Antarc slowly walked up to Phosy as his boots thundered even on soil

"I won't forgive. YOU!" He immediately stabs Phosy several times and finally his eye.

As the other gems try to stop the Lunarian Antarc they are met with a hundredfold of arrows that launch from the sunspot.

They were mowed down except for Phosiderite which was frozen in place and was behind Phosy, and avoided the arrow hail.

"A-ah.. Antarc." He broke down and kneeled, revealing a scared Phosiderite behind him unable to move.

"I am.. so.. sorry.." He finally cried, tears rained from his eyes whilst Antarc's blade was still impaled heavily on his eye.

"I.. don't remember anything.. what you said before. I'm sorry.." Antarc pulled the sword back out as he raises it again slightly with an angered face but to as Antarc looks down on him. He felt pity.. even though Phosphophyllite has changed so much, somehow he saw the old Phosy inside of him.

'The ice floes can talk?!'

'Hmph.. You're less harder than me but you're so good at things.'

These words from the old Phos replayed in his mind as he slowly put his blade down.

Then suddenly..

Phosiderite mustered the courage to go in front of Phosy and slightly push Antarc back

"I won't let you hurt him!" Phosiderite raised his arms in a t-pose as if protecting a weakened Phosy with all his life.

Antarc was speechless and pushed Phosiderite aside as he looked into Phosphophyllite's face, Phosy raised his head and said.

"A-ah.. You.. suffered in my place.." Phosphophyllitesays with a frail expression and somehow it widened Antarc's eyes and soon.

" Phosphophyllitesays with a frail expression and somehow it widened Antarc's eyes and soon

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The other cracked gems also mustered up to try to protect their Master.

"You wont hurt our beloved Master.." said a damaged Grandidierite.

"I-it'll take more than that to put m-me down." Red Aventurine joined to huddle with Phosy to protect him.

"Yeah that's right you meanie!!" Phosiderite pushed Antarc farther this time. Now with a flaming expressions.

[They all protected Phosphophyllite.. Why so?]

Antarc grunted and looked once more at Phosy, sighing he looked down with remorse and walked away backed into the sunspot.

As it dissipated

Phosiderite looked back at his Master, immediately hugging him like the others

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save you.. I'll try harder next time." [This phrase refers to what Phosy said after Cinnabar bought him back to land when his legs got destroyed.]

[Wasn't Smoky Quartz in the backlines with a bow in hand? Why couldn't they fire.]

On Smoky Quartz's view.. he sat down and hugged his legs whilst shivering.

"No.. Too terrifying.."

[Smoky is a hard person to scare so this definitely stricken him! Also think of Smoky as the Alexi of this generation.]

"I w-will repair you all.. p-p-please wait patiently" Phosphophyllite finally breaks completely with alloy seeping out as he tries to pull himself together.. to no avail, the other gems help him instead.


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