Chapter 105: Essence

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"Phoooos?" Ah

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"Phoooos?" Ah.. my head..

I awoke again in the Cape of Dunkelheit as Master and Grandidierite were around me.

"Mmm.. Master.. My." To my realization.. my legs.. they're back huh, I thought I would lose them.

"Heya! Relax.. Your legs are here see?" Grandi as bright as ever. Ah.. but will I get punished but wait my.. NECKLACE?!

I skimmed myself and tried finding the necklace Master gave to me.. Damn it isn't on my chest where is it.. Then I checked my palms and there they were, it still radiated a beautiful blue luster from it.

"Phos. What did you see?" [He asks so because Phosy couldn't see what Phos was seeing] Oh.. Master surprisingly looked calm.. I wonder why but oh well I guess I have to explain

"A-ah Sir.. I saw a lot of chains that dangled sooo many gems and one of their name was Seraphinite.. It felt like I knew them but I couldn't put my finger on it, and then the white-haired Lunarian from before looked at me but he didn't do anything.." Grandi patted me and sighed

"Ahaha.. Even I couldn't see it.. Master had only told Smoky where to fire." She says whilst she pats me.. Well.. I don't know why I was the only one who could see the entire thing.. but I gulped as Master got close and clenched his fist above me..

I closed my eyes and expected a slap..

"*Sigh* This is already punishment for you." He let his fist down on my shoulder and looked up in the now starry sky.

"My head kept on telling me I had to protect you.. Sir when I was in the air, but it wasn't clear to me.." I tried to diffuse the conversation'

"Ah. If it's so then we'll have Avent to research on it.. But we REALLY don't have a gem named Seraphinite." Huh.. I'm not sure Master but.. maybe I wasn't in my right mind. He's definitely not seen what I seen.. it scared me too.. it was like a gallery of fallen gems were hung.

"Kaay'" I just agreed with Master but somehow I felt like.. that Seraphinite gem was alive once... huh I guess things might've been wrong with me that day.

I looked over to Grandi and gave her a huuuggg!

"Gahh!! Grandi you should've saw the big sunspot and all! We could've really fought them together if only you could see >.<!!" Grandi giggled as she patted me and she hugged me back! Youre the bestest ever Grandi!!

"Ahahaha forgive me for not being able to see it.. but if I ever see it myself, I swear I'll catch it for you.. you know I'll crumple all of the pieces of the sunspot and give it to you hahah.." Oh.. that's silly how could she even handle it? Welp she is kinda hard enough to handle it.

"Fufufu.. Adorable" Eh?!

"What was that Master?! I can't believe you had this side of you!" I tease him whilst giggling and he giggled with both of us and Grandi.

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