Chapter 97: Phosphosiderite

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Phos recalls Cinnabar's olden memories during the times he was still around for night patrol, he's just hit with guilt and demotivating energy

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Phos recalls Cinnabar's olden memories during the times he was still around for night patrol, he's just hit with guilt and demotivating energy. 

It pulls down on him even further.. meanwhile in front of Phos was the new born gem that Phos desperately molded himself, it resembled a caricature of a face and hourglass-like body.

"Hey Phosiderite." Phosphophyllite called out to them (In this sense Phosiderite will now inherit the nickname 'Phos' [Phosiderite] and our Phosphophyllite will now be referred to as 'Phosy' [Phosphophyllite]).

Phosy came over to Phos and patted them on the head whilst smiling ever so slightly 'I feel more inclined to take care of a gem now.. it's a strange feeling.. it stings.."

Phosy looked into Phos' more into them and gave them a handful of sand

"This is sand. Can you recall?" Phosy asked as he anticipated an answer

"S-sand..!" Phos was successful again in saying the word 'Ah.. how long has it been?' Phosy asked themselves whilst swaying their heads back and forth fixated on the ground with a dreadful expression.

"Sand..?" Suddenly again, Phos spoke to Phosy this time with a show for concern and in a heartfelt manner. Phosy was surprised at this fact and it's like his feeling grew ever more guilty for everything he's done, there was nothing much he could tell Phosiderite thus he only patted the little gem and gave them a smile.

'It has been 10 days.' Someone had said to Phosy in his head, he quickly turned around but found nobody.

"Huh? What? Who's saying these things? Make it stop!" The words 'It has been 10 days' ringed over and over in his mind whilst it was spoken in the old Rutile's voice. It's as if he's being haunted by it.

"Make it STOP!" He slammed the ground aggressively over and again as Phosiderite was scared and crawled away but when Phosy stopped slamming the ground he could hear cracks.

"O-oh no.. Sorry Phosphosiderite.. I'll fix you" Phosy realized Phos was shattered due to him slamming the ground, as he went over to grab Phosiderite's pieces, it again muttered the word "Sand." To Phosy, whilst it's shattered arms were reaching for Phosy

"A-ah no it's okay.." He said to the young gem 'They can't understand me, why did I even say that?' Phosy thought to himself.

Whilst repairing Phosiderite, Phosy still tried to teach the young gem to say their own name.

"Phosphosiderite, come on say it." He eagerly tried

"Phgo-derte.." It replied with a noticeable difficulty in understanding, Phosy sighed and looked up to the beautiful night sky.

"Well it's alright anyways.. I hope.. Aechmea grinds to dust himself, I won't ever pray." Phosy finished reassembling Phosiderite as it just sat there looking at the sky too, mimicking Phosy's actions.

"Sand.." Phosiderite said to Phosy as they tugged onto him. It was unclear to Phosy why Aechmea did this to him.. he turned him into a pseudo-human, Phosy kept this on thought as he still longed for revenge but this time, he was atleast worried for Phosiderite's safety, sympathy.. something he never felt in a long time, he carried Phosiderite and settled him on a long flat-rock for sleep.

"Slee-eep" Phosy told Phosiderite as he gestured symbols for sleep and an example of closing eyes. The young gem then laid down and turned to the sky to try initiating a sleep but it was a total washout as Phosiderite still hasn't learned that skill, Phosy sighed and patted the young gem

"It's okay.. Keep trying." He said as Phosiderite gestured motivated to practice on how.. to sleep (XD). Meanwhile Phosy squatted and looked at their palm, it felt surreal that he had 'skin' now 'I can't ever try closing my eyes anymore.. whenever I do I see you Cinnabar..' Phosy told himself as if reminding that it can never return to what things were

[Can Phosphophyllite regain their emotions and learn to be the next prayer machine?!]

As Phosy hears cracks, he slowly came up and checked on Phosiderite "Hey? Don't overdo things like I did.."

To his realization Phosiderite was asleep peacefully, Phosy looked at him as he felt a bit of envy due to because he couldn't afford to close his eyes.. and if he did he would see Adamant's past and Cinnabar.

"I'm a human now.. huh" Phosy blantantly asked themselves and again gloomed as they stayed awake for the rest of the night


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