End: Sin & Secret

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It has been two days since Obsidian hasn't awakened. - Phosphophyllite and the other gems are truly starting to worry and whenever Phosy check on Obsidian the fragments of his arms seem to crystallize as if being shattered by unseen forces, Eudialyte is the most worried and he can't even leave Obsidian's side for one bit, taking it far as to fall asleep near him sometimes.

Grandidierite is truly now regretting things and is afraid – Phosphosiderite? He's still keeping up the act, in a different way now. It's starting to feel more natural and most of the gems are getting accustomed of his new mannerisms though he's acting this way not because to whelve a secret but in remembrance of what Smoky Quartz told him about the First Quarter Moon, 'Strength'. Thus he's somehow reforming himself in order to align himself to the lessons he's been learning and to things he's known and seen happened.

Also because somehow – Lapis Lazuli's essence is somehow influencing Phosphosiderite and then..

"Everyone! Obsidian! He's awake!" Eudialyte excitedly announces, everyone else immediately swerved their head to Eudi's direction and went along with him – except for Grandidierite and Smoky Quartz, with Grandi still having some 'inner conflicts' with herself, she is stricken with fear even though Phos has encouraged her and Smoky Quartz.. Who seemed to have overslept..

Regardless it was a relief to almost everyone including Phosphophyllite.

When Phos, Eudialyte, and Red Aventurine finally reached the vicinity Obsidian was already sitting up with his hand on his forehead whilst groaning ever so slightly.

"Obsidian! Hey! *tug tug*" Phos immediately went over to him and gave him a hug more faster than the others could react – he slightly broke his act just to greet Obsidian who's recently been shattered and hasn't been awake for such time

[Being shattered under emotional pressure is what made the gems worried about Obsidian's not waking up for 2 days, if it had just been an accident then there'd be less worry – and being shattered under emotional pressure is difficult to recover, the fact Grandidierite woke up a day after she was reformed was astounding]

"Ah.. It's you.. Phosphosiderite.." Obsidian slowly stretched out his arm and in response he hugged him back whilst looking around him.

Eudialyte, Phosphophyllite, and Red Aventurine we're all around him.

"We're glad you're awake, Obsidian!" Eudi exclaimed and bowed.

"Mhm, mhm. We missed you, dearly." Avent added in agreement.

"How are you feeling?" Phosy came over and patted Obsidian with a warm smile on his face.

"Just.. A simple headache is all – I think I can stay up now.." Obsidian said with such a different tone from his former self but there's not so much difference – the others thought it only to because he had woken up though there may have some things that have changed..

Phosphosiderite retracts himself and pats him along with Phosphophyllite, somehow he notices the differences of how things unravel when Grandi and Obsidian awakens.. When it came to Grandidierite the room was more filled with despair and silence – Grandidierite was full of emotions meanwhile Obsidian remains seemingly emotionless in his words and expression and the room and everyone's face is filled with joy..

It somehow bothers him, 'Maybe that's how things are.. Huh' Phos thinks to himself.

"You should try getting up to see if you're truly okay!" Eudi insisted and came over to give him a helping hand.

"A-ah thanks.." Eudi held Obsidian's hand and helped him balanced his footing as Phosy watched in joy and both Avent and Phosy clapped in celebration.

"Mhm! You seem alright!" Eudi exclaims as he lets go of his hand but unexpectedly he falls to the ground, signifying that his legs are still fragile or hurt.

"Oh sheesh, here let me get you up" Eudi immediately helped him again, Avent butts in saying.

"Would you still like to see Grandidierite?" That question.. It sparked something inside Obsidian and Phosy noticed this due to because Obsidian paused briefly in motions.

"I.. Don't know.. Who that is..?" The answer shocked everyone in the vicinity but Grandidierite was not standing too far away whilst still contemplating on whether she should go meet Obsidian – Obsidian could see the glimpse of the color of her hair from afar and suddenly his expression changed completely.

"That.." Obsidian's hair on the bottom half suddenly formed color like blue flame but the black remained though it glowed slightly

"hey.. Are you-" Phos taps Obsidian on the shoulder in response of the strange phenomenon but he was immediately cut off

"LET GO ME OF ME!" Obsidian pushed both Eudialyte and Phos away with great strenght and in swift he ran towards the bluish-green color he's sighting (Grandidierite)

Phosy was also shocked and ran after Obsidian but his swift beat Phosphophyllite – Red Aventurine also ran after Obsidian and shouted.

"Grandidierite! Watch out!" His words made it just in time and Grandidierite's noticed a black and blue flash going towards her – she ran away slightly but in the end she ducked in fear.

"Obsidian! Stop!" Phosphophyllite called out to him but to no avail

Unfortunately Obsidian has already reached Grandidierite and is cowering over her with a daunting and devilish gaze

But to Obsidian's surprise Phosphophyllite butted in between them as Obsidian raised his hand.

Phosy is finally on the scene but is somehow holding himself back because he knows that if he interferes he'll break Obsidian once again, and also because Phos is showing great strength in holding them back;

Grandidierite is trembling on her knees behind Phosphosiderite whilst he tries to stop Obsidian to cause any potential harm.

"PHOS.. L..let go!" Obsidian cries out as he begins to push further but Phos' metal arms still prevail

"N-NO! DONT PUNISH HARM WITH HARM! WE CAN TALK!" Phos argues passionately as he lowers his head to put all his focus and efforts into his arms.
"TO WHAT EXTENT WILL SHE HOLD HERSELF BACK? THE SAME WILL REPEAT AGAIN AFTER A FEW YEARS – IT'S BEST THAT SHE!" Obsidian pauses as he pressures Phos' arms further, pushing him lower to the ground and exposing an Grandidierite.

"..IT'S BEST THAT SHE LEARNS HER LESSON NOW!" Obsidian finally goes full force and somehow Avent, Eudi, and Phosy all instinctively rushed to Obsidian to hold him limbs back due to because the sounds of metal and.. Phosphosiderite breaking is evidently loud..

*Swish – Strike* Alas the pressure stops, Obsidian falls to the ground again with a widened eye.

"Respect your elders, Obsidian." A voice from afar can be heard – It's Smoky Quartz, he's shot an arrow through Obsidian's eye and all the others finally stop holding onto his limbs. Grandidierite is absolutely shocked from all what happened, breathing heavily.

Obsidian is laying awake on the area in front of Phosphosiderite – in his mind he finally realizes that what he has done was wrong and in so much shock he couldn't even move, even whilst awake.


"Master! Phosphosiderite!" Eudialyte points quickly to Phosphosiderite as he shatters with a smile and still in the position of defense..

Everyone is in shock of what happened that day.. Nobody made a single noise – it was pure silence that enveloped the entire atmosphere..

Obsidian.. Trying to harm Grandidierite leads to another being shattered instead..

It is true Phosphosiderite showed strength.. But that strength.. led him to calamity..


(Thank you all for the support and votes! Unfortunately I do not have anymore time to write further chapters and I have to cut this book short due to Ichikawa returning in July - I will stop writing this book in respect of her return! But if another hiatus starts I may continue this book and for the meantime I will write other HnK content  and focus on writing OC content instead. I would like to hear from all of you what are your suggestions for things that I should write, write about? I would love it if you could give me some sort of prompts or requests! Thank you all for reading Houseki no Kuni: Throne of Dust and Shattered Memories)

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