Chapter 114: Even the strongest breaks.

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'This day seems unusually hot.' Phosphophyllite says as he looks on over to his palm, he reminisces on things from the past butcan't seem to remember anything and sighs, he rubs his arms and feels thewarmth of skin and pinches it.

"Am I truly human..?" Phosy asks himself as he glooms even further, he asks this because he thinks he was turned into a pseudo-human 200 years ago because of the many things he's been through.

Phosy tries to bite his finger but to his surprise it's still as hard as stone but somehow it feels softer when he pinches it.

"Ah." He faces to an open book beside him, on the page it describes how humans bleed and what it does. (It's from Red Aventurine's catalogue – Ancient Information).

"I guess that's not supposed to happen." Phosy remarks, And then a voice erupts from the silence.

"S.. smoky.. Quartz.." Red Aventurine has awoken finally [It is still the same day. Chalcedony and Phosphosiderite is still out on the beach]

"Oh.. Don't move a lot." Phosy rushes to his side as Avent rubs his head in pain and grunts

"Phos.. Where is he..?" Avent immediately asked

"He's out by the sea with Chalcedony." This reply surprises Avent and his eyes widened as if he's been struck. Phosy sighs as he pats his back.

"Smoky's pieces are safe and sound.. I needed Chalcedony because I couldn't run back to Phos in time, he's the only speed we have in the winter so please understand." Phosy explains as Avent looks away with his hands over his eyes, he wallows in regret.

"You do realize if he broke too.. you could've fixed us back right..?" Avent inquires aggressively, Phosy sits aback.

"That isn't the only reason. The Lunarian Hand is some kind of watching device, it has been watching us but it seems so hard to break. It makes fake ice floe noises and then it envelopes you in fog, that 'thing' you faced was trying to take you to the moon." Phosy explains to a disgruntled Avent as he turns back to look at Phosy.

"Do you have any good news..?" Avent asks worriedly

"No.. I'm not too sure but Chalcedony, I'm sure he'll help you just please.. Cooperate.." Phosy tries to persuade Avent but he only asks.

"I need to see Smoky before I go on duty everyday then." Phosy nods in agreement as he points where Smoky's pieces are kept.

Avent walks on over it kneels to the bowl of his pieces and presses his lips on it.

[The concept of 'kissing' is an ancient and foreign thing for Phosphophyllite since only humans have done it. Avent knows this gesture because he has ancient books on human]

"Smoky.. I'm sure this is what you want.. I'll protect you." Avent cuddles the bowl of Smoky's pieces. Avent then gets up with a more hardened look on his face and with a winter saw in hand.

"If you need anything, please tell me." Phosphophyllite remarks before Avent leaves for winter duty .

[Meanwhile at the beach]

Chalcedony and Phos are looking at some ice floes as Chalcedony explains what they are and how they can talk to gems.

..and then a massive sunspot emerges but it completes itself in a slow manner.

Chalcedony looks up and already knows that this isn't good.

"Lunarians again..?" Phos hides behind Chalcedony. Chalcedony looks back over to him and says.

"The Lunarians don't have a reason to attack us anymore, this is something else." From the sunspot appears a large crowd of Lunarians behind a particular someone, Phos and Chalcedony is beyond shocked and backs away.

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