Chapter 104.5: Lunarians Chain

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Suddenly so suddenly.. a million fold of chains descended from the massive sunspot.

"Phos?! What do you see?!" Ah Master.. could you not see it? It's gawking right at you.. and it's so

*WHOOSH* Huh..? An arrow from behind?

Ah.. it's Smoky. 

"Phos! Something's &#*!)#!!" Ah.. Grandidierite I can't hear you, my ears hurt..

"Phosiderite! S-save me." Huh.. Is that Seraphinite..? 

[Seraphinite, The unspoken winter gem of this generation!]

*WHOOSH WHOOSH* Smoky..? What is he.. firing at..?

And then my eyes widened even more as Master picked me up from the ground and constantly ensured my condition.. Ah everything's so blurry..

Wait.. but Seraphinite is hanging over there.. no.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

"SMOKY STOP! IT"S SERAPHINITE!!" A boosting adrenaline suddenly powered through my body. I jumped out of my Master's grip.

"PHOS! STOP! DON'T!" The words of my friend.. faded as I jumped.. ha.. so high.. Just to reach Seraphinite.. My legs felt like they cracked, it doesn't matter.. It's Seraphinite, and I have to protect them..

He's not awake at all.. Seraphinite isn't even moving and WHAAAAAAAAT?!

*Clang Clang* Huh?! Now there are chains all over the area and then..

I couldn't even get a glimpse anymore but the moment I was in the air.. It seemed like Seraphinite wasn't alive anymore.

Then I finally fell.

*Craaack, Ting, Ting* Ah.. Master caught me..

"Why.. Why would you do that?!" Master so angrily asked me.. I just.. wanted to..

"Seraphinite.. Was on there.. Sir, he called out to me." Master got more angrier as everyone fled the scene and said to me.

"What do you mean?! We don't have a gem named Seraphinite." Huh..? But why did.. he feel so familiar to me? It felt like I knew him..

Whilst he was ranting I peered on over to my legs and they were nowhere to be found.. the pieces.. where are they, I broke them when I made that jump..

"Ah.. Master.. I'm so sorr-" Then a long beaded chain coiled around Master's head and clamped on it tightly.. my words were cut off..

"Master..?" I looked around to try and see where Smoky and Grandidierite was there were running towards.. him too but they felt too slow and then.

*CLANG Shing Shing!* Then he was snatched from me.. No.. Stop.

That Lunarian that attacked before.. the one with the white hair.. he's the one pulling it.

"S-save yourself.. Phosi..derite" He looked so desparate for.. he looked helpless..

That damned.. Lunarian.. will regret it.

But as Master was being pulled away.. my legs.. they couldn't work.. work godammit.. these sticks.. useless.

He was pulled all the way to the sunspot an-

*WHOOSH* An.. arrow.. from Smoky broke the chain and Master.. fell.. I can't move my legs.. they were motionless.. then that white-haired Lunarian looked down on me like he wanted to destroy me but, they gave up huh? The sunspot disappeared.. are things.. over?

[Note that during all this. Phosiderite was in so much pain]

"Phos?! Are you okay?! Answer me.." Huh.. sounds like.. someone.. who is it, it's all so blurry..

"I'm going to try harder.. Next time.." I said weakly and everything faded into darkness

[Author Corner: Sorry if I'm seemingly bombarding this with Lunarian attacks.. I'm still trying to adapt on how Ichikawa progresses her chapters]


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