Chapter 113: Pavilionus

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"MASTER!" Phos stormed into the room as Chalcedony rises up from a nap and Masters glances over to Phos

"Oh? What's that on your face?" Phosy inquires 

Phos removes the fishlike creature off from his face and exclaims

"I d-don't know! It's so annoying!!" Phos pushes it away with a disgusted expression 

"No! Come here!!" the fishlike creature speaks.

"No!! Not me! There's Master Phosphophyllite you're looking for!!" Phos points over to Phosy as he comes on over to pick up the fishlike creature.

"Hello there." Phosy waves to it as it latches onto Phosy's face.

Phosy's reaction is underwhelming as he seems to be not afraid of it.

"The names Pavilionus!! I escaped from the moon through that hand device! When someone freed me I knew that I was you! Right?" Pavilionus, An Admirabilis excitedly explained as Phosy puts him on his arm

"Oh? I thought the Admirabilis would be gone.." Phosy's tone goes gloomy as he looks down slightly

"Well yeah.. So that's why I decided to stay here with you! They said the Ancient King, Ventricosus had a good relationship with you! So yeah!" Phosy giggled slightly with a slight confusion but asks

"How did you manage to survive the winter?" Pavilionus wiggles as she excitedly tells him

"The cutie over there warmed my heart!" As she gestured over to Phosphosiderite which freaks out slightly

"E-Ehh?! Gross.." Phosiderite says with a disgusted expression

Phosy finds it funny and Chalcedony gets up for the daily winter duty.

But Phosy insists that he should wait for Red Aventurine to wake up

"Ah. Do you need any water, Pavilionus?" Phosy asks

"Mhm!" So Phosy goes outside to throw him into the cold waters nearby.
"Will you be fine in there?" Phosy asks whilst patiently waiting for Pavilionus to steer her head to the surface..

It goes silent 

But luckily she goes

"I'm fiiiine!!" Phosy sighs as he looks on over to Phos, thart's still surprised that other beings exist.

"Master.. What was it like back then when you were only 300?" Phos asked curiously

Phosy then sits down by the side and thinks whilst looking up

"I was a lot cuter, and I still am." He states whilst hiding his face slightly

"Woahh! Tell me more!" Phosy immediately disregards the requests 

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"Woahh! Tell me more!" Phosy immediately disregards the requests 

"Ehh?! Why won't you tell me!" Phos pouts 

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